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Illumi walked down stairs to get some breakfast for himself and his two siblings when there was a knock on the door.

"Who the hell could that be this early?" Illumi thought to himself as he walked to the door. He opened the door to see Hisoka holding a bag filled with sweets.
"Why the hell are you here?" asked Illumi.

"Isn't it obvious? I want to check on Annie." said Hisoka with a playful smile on his face.

"She's still asleep." said Illumi coldly, "Besides what's with all the sweets?"

"I know Annie well enough to know that she has the biggest sweet tooth I've ever seen." said Hisoka, "I just thought she'd like these when she woke up."

"I still don't want you dating her." said Illumi coldly.

"Oh come on. I can protect her." said Hisoka.

"How? You didn't even know she was getting bullied until someone pushed her down the stairs. She has a concussion. She couldn't even walk without support." said Illumi, "I don't what you do with other girls, but I won't let you hurt my sister."

"Let me prove it to you." said Hisoka.

"How do you plan on doing that?" asked Illumi as he crossed his arms.

"I'll find whomever pushed her so it won't happen again." said Hisoka. Illumi's curiosity was piqued. He knows Annabeth won't tell him who pushed her.

"Fine. I'll give you a week. If you do find out, and you do date her, you had better not let me find out that you hurt her. She's my sister. My twin sister. I'm not going to let anyone who hurts her get away so easily. That includes you." said Illumi.

"That's understandable. I'll start looking. Here." said Hisoka as he handed Illumi the bag filled with pastries and a few candies, "When she wakes up, give this to her." Illumi took the bag.

"I'll make sure she knows it's from you." said Illumi. Hisoka nodded and left. Illumi went up stairs to Annabeth's room. He knocked before entering. "You got something." said Illumi. Annabeth looked at Illumi curiously as he handed her the bag. Annabeth opened the bag and her eyes lit up like never before.

"All my favorite pastries and candies..." Annabeth mumbled. Her eyes began to fill with tears, "Thank you, Illu." said Annabeth as she got up and hugged him. Illumi laughed a bit. He hugged her in return.

"Don't overwork yourself. I wasn't the one who got you those." said Illumi as he helped Annabeth back into bed.

"Then, who did?" Annabeth asked curiously.

"Hisoka did." said Illumi. Annabeth was taken aback. She didn't think anyone from school would've gotten her anything. Her eyes filled up with more tears. Illumi was more than a little surprised. He wasn't sure if she was happy or sad. He didn't know what to do.

"W-what's wrong? If you don't like them I could throw them away." said Illumi a bit hastily.

"No that's okay. It's just the first time anyone from school has ever cared enough to get me something to make me feel better. I don't think I've ever been so happy." said Annabeth as she smiled. Killua began to wake up. He yawned and stretched. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes to see his sister in tears. He pretty much had the same reaction as Illumi.

"A-anne? What's w-wrong?" said Killua. Annabeth couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm just happy." said Annabeth as she smiled genuinely. Killua was a bit shocked. He's never seen Annabeth smile like that in years.

"Kil, come help me with breakfast. Annabeth, don't eat everything in the bag before breakfast" said Illumi. Killua and Annabeth nodded simultaneously. Before Killua left he hugged his sister tightly.

"I'm glad you're okay. When I got called to the principal's office and they told me you got hurt, I freaked out. All they told me was that you fell and Illumi took you home. I had to stay for the rest of the day." said Killua. Annabeth hugged him back.

"I'm okay, Kil. I just need to rest a bit." said Annabeth. Killua smiled and nodded.

"You're gonna share with me right?" said Killua with a cat-like grin. Annabeth giggled a bit.

"Of course I will." she said happily. He, then, left her room to help Illumi. Annabeth began to fish inside the bag to see what else was in there. She found a small envelope. She set the bag down on the side and opened it. It was a small note that read:

Hey Annie-chan. I got you this to help you feel better. I left my number somewhere in the bag. Text me. I'd love to talk to you more.
-Hisoka <3

Annabeth couldn't help but feel butterflies in her belly when she read the note. Her cheeks turned a bit red. She put the note back in the envelope and hid it in her dresser. She began to fish in the bag for his number. She finally found it on a little slip of paper after searching for ten minutes. She put the number in her phone and sent Hisoka a text.

A: Um.... Hello is this Hisoka Morou?

Hisoka's phone beeped as he was walking back home. He pulled his phone out to check it. He felt a smile grow onto his face.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now