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This is a thank you to all those who were patient with me through my writer's block. My updates are still going to be separated but they will be more frequent now. Thank you so much for understanding and being patient. I love you all.

-Rara <3


"Hey, Hisoka~" Kara purred. Hisoka narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want, Kara?" asked Hisoka menacingly. Kara was holding two cups in her hand. One was straight vodka and the other was vodka mixed with carbonated water and a xanax.

"Just to have a quick drink with you. That's all. I won't hurt, now would it?" said Kara with an innocent smile on her face. Hisoka didn't think much of it. He took the cup that Kara offered him and guzzled it down. He handed the empty cup back to Kara and went to the bathroom. He locked himself inside. He did his business and went to the sink. When he looked in the mirror, he felt himself laughing like a maniac. His cheeks had a drunken, rosy color to him. His breath was filled with the stench of a crappy brewery. He found himself stumbling about to get back to the kitchen where Illumi, Annabeth and Pakunoda were waiting for him. He was constantly bumping into people, walls, and just about everything else he could possibly bump into.

"Hisoka's taking a long time." said Pakunoda.

"Yeah." said Illumi as he passed his drink to Annabeth, "Is he taking a shit or something?" Annabeth nearly choked on the beer trying not to laugh.

"I'll go find him." said Annabeth as she finished the rest of the beer. She set the plastic cup on the kitchen counter and went to go find Hisoka. She found him stumbling about in the hallway. "Hisoka?" she said as she slowly approached him, "Are you okay?" Hisoka turned to face Annabeth and sloppily draped himself over her.

"I'm perfectly fine, my dear Annie." said Hisoka under his breath. Annabeth pinched her nose.

"Were you drinking vodka?" asked Annabeth as she aimed her face away from Hisoka.

"I'll give you a taste so you can find out." said Hisoka as he grabbed her chin and kissed her roughly. Annabeth tried pushing Hisoka off of her but he wouldn't budge. He swirled his tongue inside her mouth giving her the awful and bitter taste of vodka. When he finally let go, Annabeth stumbled into the wall. She hit the back of her head and slid down onto the ground. She rubbed the back of her head in pain.

"Ow." she said a bit hoarsely. Hisoka sat beside her and began kissing her neck. Annabeth knew he was drunk. She could feel herself getting repulsed. "Hisoka. Get off of me." she said a bit frightfully. She could feel tears began to reach the brink of her eye. She shut her eyes tightly to keep them from spilling out. She wanted to cry out for Illumi to come for her. Suddenly, she felt Hisoka stop and a hand pulled her up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Annabeth recognized the voice. She looked up and saw Elliot with an angry look on his face. She turned around and saw Hisoka laying on the ground struggling to get up. She felt fear overwhelm her. She wanted to help Hisoka but she felt scared at what he might do to her if she did so she clung onto Elliot. Elliot looked down at Annabeth worriedly. "Are you okay? Come on. I'll take you back to your brother." said Elliot as he took her hand and led her to the living room. Annabeth turned her head to look at Hisoka and he was still on the ground passed out. Elliot guided her to the living room to find Illumi but he was making out with Pakunoda. Elliot and Annabeth were a bit at a loss. They didn't want or know how to interrupt them. After that punch, Elliot was completely sober. He sighed and looked at Annabeth who was trying to process what happened. "Come on. I'll take you home. I'll let Illumi know once I get back, okay?" said Elliot trying to be as gentle as possible. Annabeth looked up at him and nodded. Elliot went to the garage and grabbed his motorcycle. He only had one helmet and he let Annabeth wear it. Elliot got on his bike and Annabeth did the same. "Hold on tight so you don't fall." said Elliot half jokingly to try and make Annabeth smile. She gave him a bit of a sad smile as she climbed on and wrapped her arms around Elliot's torso. It was a quick ride back to Annabeth's house. When they arrived, Elliot walked Annabeth to the door.

"Thanks for the ride home." Annabeth said as she handed Elliot back his helmet.

"It's no problem. I'm sorry about your boyfriend. People do weird things after the drink." said Elliot a bit apologetically as he rubbed the back of his head, "Oh, here's my phone number." Elliot handed Annabeth a slip of paper, "If you ever need anything and you don't want your brother or Hisoka to find out, give me a call. I'll help you out." said Elliot with a bit of blush on his face. Annabeth smiled wholeheartedly.

"Thanks, Elliot." said Annabeth as she opened the door, "Goodnight." Annabeth shut the door behind her. She checked her phone to see if Killua texted her.

K: Hey sis. I'm going to sleep over at Gon's. Have fun at the party. Be safe. Let Illumi know if someone does something you don't like. Love you.

Annabeth didn't want to tell Illumi about what happened. She wanted him to enjoy the fun he was having with Pakunoda at the party. He doesn't get to have fun like that a lot so she decided to let him enjoy himself. It wouldn't hurt.

A: Ok. That's fine. Have fun. I'll be sure to do so. Love you too, Kil.

Annabeth sent the text message and decided to go upstairs to rest. She felt tired in every possible way and she just wanted to sleep.

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