Chapter 12: Gig

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Chapter 12: Gig


*One Month Later*

"Pandorah!" Kellin exclaimed as he ran into my room, just as I finished feeding Lily.

"Hey you, how was band practice?" I asked, placing Lily in her crib and turning around to face my boyfriend.

"Awesome." He smiled, placing his hands on my hips and kissing my lips. "We've got our first gig."


"Yeah, it's an acoustic set at a local coffee shop. It's nothing big, but it's something to get our name out there."

"That's great!" I exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"You're going to be there, right?" Kellin asked. "I really need your support."

"I don't know. What about Li-"

"We can find someone to take care of her! It's just for one night. Please Pandorah! Friday night. One final thing before we go back to school!"

"I guess I could ask my mom." I sighed.

"There you go!"

"Come on." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the stairs and into the living room where my mom was sitting.


"Yes?" She asked, turning to look at Kellin and I.

"Kellin has a gig at a local coffee shop on Friday night. Can you watch Lily? We won't be gone long. This could be really huge for his career and he wants me there."

"Sure. But you have to be home by midnight, rockstar or not."

"Deal." We said.

"Thank you so much mom." I said, hugging her.

"Yeah, thank you." Kellin smiled, hugging her too.

"No problem." She said as we ran back upstairs.


"Ready to go?" Kellin asked, appearing in my doorway.

"Yeah, I just got Lily to sleep." I whispered, placing my daughter in her crib.

"Come on, Josyanne is here."

"Alright." I said as we left the room. We walked down the stairs and I hugged my mom, thanking her one last time.

"I just got Lily to sleep and there's some milk in the fridge for her."

"Alright, go have fun." She said, pushing us out of the house. We ran out to Josyanne's car, me getting in the front seat with Josy while Kellin got into the back.

"Man, I have a concert tonight and I'm sitting in the back. Don't I feel special."

"Oh shut up." I said, hugging my best friend. We drove to the shop and saw the rest of Kellin's band unloading their gear. We all got out of the car and helped them unload the rest of the stuff and carry it into the shop.

I sat with Josy, Skylar, Taylor, Makayla and Janae while the guys set up their gear on the stage inside of the coffee shop. They set up their gear and ran over to us.

"Good luck." I smiled, grabbing his face in my hands and kissing his lips. He smiled and hugged me before walking onto the stage with his band.

"Hey guys, I'm Kellin and this is my band Sleeping With Sirens." He said and the crowd cheered. The rest of the band introduced themselves and Kellin introduced the first song.

"This is If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn." He said as they started to play. They played a few songs before Kellin thanked the crowd that had gathered and they walked off the stage.

"That was awesome!" I smiled, kissing him. 

"Thanks babe." He said, holding me close to him. The guys got their gear off the stage and loaded it back into the cars. We went out to a restraunt and had a post-show dinner before going home.

"Hey, how was the show?" My mom asked.

"They were awesome." I said with a smile, kicking off my shoes.

"I bet you were. I just got her to sleep." My mom said, handing Lily back to me.

"Thank you so much." I said with a smile, kissing my daughter's forehead.

"I'm not going to do this everytime, you understand?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Here, I'll take her upstairs." Kellin said, grabbing Lily from me. I watched as Kellin walked up the stairs and turned the corner to my room.

"I'm going to miss Kellin when hes goes back home. Look at this house! It's spotless!" My mom exclaimed.

"You've still got a few weeks mom, don't worry." I smiled.



Listening to Wanted~ Hunter Hayes


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