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" We will do Sotus promotion." P'Ram said to everyone.
"We are gong to do caravan campaign."
Chief Director said.

".. Can you explain more please?" Off asked.

" I think this is the first time for you guys to do promotion activity, Honestly speaking, Our production don't have enough money to promote our drama, in f we could buy TV commercial spot more, we wouldn't have to do it. but obviously we don't have enough budget. So we ask you to advertise our drama to our future viewer of Sotus by ourselves : like visit after schools, create small gathering fan meeting, use internet IG , FB, you name it. Our target generation is exactly same as you guys, Umm, except OFF. You are bit off from the range.hahaha."

"Hey!" Off said.

"Anyway, If our future viewers  feel a sense of closeness, of you guys, I am pretty sure they will watch our drama. We understand that promotion activity is NOT in your contract, and we can't pay much for this extra activity, so if you don't want to participate it, feel free to leave. It won't affect your acting carrier or rest of  drama shooting. Just this is important for us. Chief and I will leave tomorrow. You are more than welcome,If you guys want to join us."
P'Ram said to them seriously.

In the end of meeting everyone agreed to join Caravan campaign activities and actors are very enthusiastically exchanged their ideas with directors.
" I'm overwhelmed now. I can't believe you guys...thanks."
Ram couldn't continue what he want to say.

" I like the idea to meet our fan, I mean future fan. and We will travel many places, I like it."
Krist said to Gunsmile who is sitting next to him.

" I think it will be a lot of fun, we can show our dance move to our fan,hehehe,"
Gunsmile is well know among crew and actor  as the person who likes prank.
Whenever the serious scene is taken actions, he starts funny dance silently to messed up actors. Sometimes, Krist and who doesn't on the sene join him. P' Ram and Chief director would never get mad at him, that's one of the seven wonders of the world for Krist.

"Singto, were you Okey the other day?"
New asked Singto who sat next to him.
New was pissed by Krist at that day because, he was planned to take Singto back to his apartment or maybe Singto's house while he was sleeping.
New just wants to become best friend of Singto in real life he doesn't know why. But his heart is telling him that he must become his best friend, but every time he misses his opportunities because of Krist who always with Singto.
On the other hand, New only have a chance to talk to him when he is "AIM" in Sotus drama.
- That's not fair for me. But Singto is with me today. Yessssa!
New made his mind not to messed up this  moment with Singto.
"Huh? Oh, that day? Yes, I was fine. Krist took me to my dorm, and he took care of me."
Singto answered with big smile.
"Whoa, really? Hahaha.."
-Damn, Krist!
New cursed Krist under his breath.
"Oyii, Singto."
Off sat beside of Singto which is other side of New.
"Hi, P'Off."
" Were you okey the other day? You got drunk right?"
Off put his arm around Singto's shoulder.

- Ohhhh, P! What are you doing?
New's eyes are widened with surprise.

New knows OFF is not a touchy person. His personal space is larger than other people so people won't notice it.
When New and OFF went out for drink, he told New one time complained about OFF/GUN couple work. No offense Gun, it's just Off's nature who have larger personal space. Because of that he broke up with his girlfriend many times in his past. It took so much time to get along with GUN . Luckily, GUN is very positive and patient to OFF so finally they become close each other.

- it's surprise. What's going on P'Off?
Off talks to Singto inside of his personal space!!

" Yes. I was drunk, but Nong Krist took care of me."
Singto embraced his knees with arms and ducked his body a bit.

- Oh~, Singto! You escaped from P'Off's embrace!" Very smooth move. Haha.

New surprises Singto's action.

Off and Singto casually continue their conversation.

" So what do you think about SOTUS campaign?"
New asked Singto.
"Umm, I'll join caravan activists but I don't know if I can talk in front of lots of people,"
Singto frowned.
"What? Are you kidding me? You always talk to your fans at outside of office with Krist." New asked him.

"Well, I have some speech experiences in front of people, but this is diffrent, if someone asks me a question, I don't know if I can answer or not." Singto embraced his knees with arms again.

"Don't overthinking about it, we can do it together, you are not alone, so don't worry." Off patted Singto's shoulder with smile.

"P'Off, thank you." Singto said.

- Wait! wasn't it my line? New was about to encourage Singto but somehow OFF stole the moment.

" Ahhhhhh," New groaned.

" sawasdee khrap! "

Krist is always the one who does opening, Singto found out that Krist is really good MC. He is a smooth talker. When Singto paused moment, Krist quickly covers him, and continuing conversation with fans.
Krist and Singto could talk each other

Their caravan activities are succeed. That was when "The SOTUS the series " first episode was broadcasted.
Nobody would not predict how huge success this drama will be at that time.

"Oh my gosh! Chief! Look! This forum talked about our drama Sotus! Not only this one but many others,too. They were so critical our drama until it starts. We always compared with Love sick, but now their reputation of us gets better."
P'Ram is very excited about it.
"Ram, calm down. This is just a beginning. We will do next project."
Chief said enthusiastically.
"What is it?"
"Look, it seems like Singto  and Krsit have special bond between them, why don't we use it more ? "
"What do you mean? Yes, They are very close each other like best friends. Honestly, I'm kind of surprise that  Krist's behavior towards to Singo. He is a typical boy who likes girls. But when he is with Singto, he becomes very obedient and .... Umm kind of cute? Humm, I don't know what to say.."
Ram said with confusion.
"Haha, I guess you are right. Somehow when Krist is with Singto he acts cute. No, actually he doesn't do anything on purpose. I guess, Krist just wants to show his best nature to Singto."
"Huh? Chief? What do you mean? Does Krist like Singto? Huh?"
"I don't know. Does he like Singto? Of course he likes him."
Chief smiles.
" Umm, I thought Krsit has a girlfriend and he is straight as hell. He likes Singto as a friend. Right?"
" You know Ram, Gay, straight, bi or none of them? How to describe your sexuality? Who knows."
Chief shrugged.
" Chief! What do you want him to ? I'm not narrow minded one, but It's just surprising. Well, how about Singto?"
"Umm, Singto.. he is very interesting one. Honestly I don't know."
"What do you mean?"
" You know. Singto is very different from others in my eyes. It's hard to describe about him. He is nice kid... umm... he is like...Everyone wants him but nobody can't get him."
Chief said.
" I don't get it. Singto is very nice kid who is friend of everyone now."
Ram got confused.
"He is very polite and nice to everyone fairly. Do you remember? The beginning of workshop, everyone wanted to get to know him but they couldn't because Singto didn't allow them to come closer to him. Plus Mike... he bullied him except for Krist. When Krist is around him, Singto is different. He connects this world through Krist."
"Oh! I think it's like this, Singto brought Jane because he've known Jane long time. So Singto knew Krsit since they are same University and he was a head hazier of Krist. They were already close each other. And most of all, they are partners in drama. They should be closer."
Ram sounds confident.
" I heard that they were just a nodding acquaintance at University. Yes, they are partners in drama, but every co -actors are not close each other, you know Ram don't you? We are working in this industry long enough. Some pairs were just did their work. But.."
"Well.... What do you want Chief?"
Ram asked him.
" Me? I just want success in this drama so I'll use them."
Chief glanced up at him with a mischievous smile.

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