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After Singto and others are gone, Gun asked Off.
"Do you know anything about Singto's drama, Papi?"

"Ummm..oh? Isn't it time to go now?"
Off try to dodge the subject.
"Hey, spit it out, Papi."
"...Singto will have bed scene with Na in drama, but I don't know how far."
When Off said it, it makes him freeze.

"Hey, are you okey, Kit?"
Off snapped his finger in front of Krist.
"Huh? I'm ..I'm fine."
He cleared his throat.

He follows Off and Gun to get out from restaurant.
Krist noticed his phon is buzzing.
".....Krsit, I want to see you."
She sound desperate.
"Krsit..I want to see you. Please."
Praew begged him again.
"....How about 8 pm tonight? I'll be at the cafe."
Krist said gently.

"Hey, Singto? What's the matter with you? You are cranky. Are you still hungry?"
P'Jane asked Singto.
Singto just didn't answer him.
- Damn Krist! I can't believe him how could you do this to me.
Singto is really pissed off.

"mmm, Singto, are you really sure? If you don't want to do acting with Na, I can ask it to Director and writer."
P'Jane asked him gazillion times already to make sure about it.

"....as long as I don't have to kiss him, I can manage it. I'm very confident about it."
Singto said to P'Jane.
"...well. If you said so. But as you know if you don't like it, you should stop, otherwise it gives you rashes all over your body."
"I know."
Singto answered short.
"Well, it will be next Tuesday."

Peach Tree Cafe
When Krist got in, Preaw was already there at their usual place.
- She lost lots of weight.
Krsit noticed her change immediately.

Krist sits down in front of Praew.
As soon as Krist sits down, Praew stands up and hugged him over the table.
"Ooyii, calm down, Praew."
Krsit just hugged back lightly and let her sat down.
"....How are you?"
Praew looks at him with brilliant smile.
"I'm...mmm. I've been so busy."
Krist muttered without looking at her.
"Oh, I understand."
Praew sounds convincible and cheerful.
"You...lost lots of weight."
Krist muttered.
"Oh, it's not a big deal. I'm on diet for my wedding dress near future."
She giggled.
"Huh? Are you going to marry with someone?"
Krsit looked at her with confusion.
"Oh, silly Krist, what are you talking about ? We will have an engagement ceremony this weekend. Of course, it's only between families this time."
Preaw said cheerfully.

"Wait! Sorry, I'm not with you. Could you explain that to me again?"
Krsit asked her.
"Your father came to my house the other day for proposal. I was surprised but I was so happy about it. It was happy surprise."
Praew holds Krist's hands.
Krsit is lost.
"Oh, don't pretend you don't know anything, your Pôr told you right? He told me that you asked him for this engagement. My parents and I will come to your house."
Preaw smiled beautifully.

Krist doesn't know how to get to his home but that's doesn't matter now.
He opened the door and shout.
He screamed.
Krist opened family living room.
Kat is there.
"Where is Mâe?"
"Mâe? She is not coming back yet."
Kat drinks water.
"Whoaaa, I'm so tired. Do you want to eat something?"
Kat asked Krist.
"Did you go somewhere? ...when does Mâe come back?"
Krist ignored her question and asked her again with frustration.

"Hey, what's wrong? Calm down Kit!"
Kat noticed something wrong with him.

Krist is strolling around in living room.
"Hey, Hey, What's going on, Kit! Sit down and talk to me."
Kat pulled his arm and make him sit beside of her.
She made a glass of water for him.

"....Okey, First, Mâe went to Chiangmai with King because Yâa ( grandmother /paternal) broke her right leg. She fell down from stairs. Mâr will be home next week on Wednesday."
Kat said.
"....when did she go ?"

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