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6K readers?! Oh my goodness. I can't believe it. 😊 Thank you so much.

Also I can't thank you enough for your kind- hearted comments. I read every single comments. Thank you very much. 🙏 🙏🙏

This chapter is bit longer than usual because of crybaby Prince Krist. 😊
Hopefully you'll like it.

"Who's baby?"
"Oh come on, it's yours Singto."
Pin winked at him.
"Arai wa!."
Singto gets annoyed.
".... Arai na ka? (*What is it  say it again, please )(❤️😨I'm not Thai if it's wrong translation sorry.) There, how about that?"
".....I really hate you."
Pin mutters.
"Thank you. You never should've gave me a shit like this. What if someone overheard this and misunderstand me?"
Singto pissed her off.
"Hump! Misunderstanding you? You are not that an innocent one either!"
".... it was long time ago, If it's mine, they are already born long time ago! Who is their father?"
Singto asked seriously.
"....I won't tell you, because he doesn't know about it......yet."
"Shit ! Why? You should tell him. He deserves to know. And he needs to take responsibility."
Singto frowned.
".....I know."

" Hey, sorry I'm late."
P'Jane came in and sat down next to Singto.
"Eh? Did I miss something?"
Jane looked at his two friends alternately.

Peach Tree Cafe
"Okey, sit down here."
Tom insists on Krist.
"Yeah, have a seat, man. It's really rare opportunity that Tom treats us. Let's eat something good."
Earth grinned.
"Hey! I've never said that! I won't give you a single penny of me. It's only for Krist!"
Tom yelled at Earth.
"...it's okey, I'll treat you guys."
Krsit said.
"See! I told you Earth?"
Tom pointed Krist and looked at Earth.
"Ah, I get it."
Earth and Tom sat down across from Krist with serious face.
Earth said to Krist with serious voice.
Krist glanced at him.
"Krist, Look at me."
Earth said again.
Krist look at him.
"I'm your friend right? Tom is also your friend since we are middle school. I know you have something going on. You can tell me anything. I'm all ears."
Earth said to Krist sincerely.
"Yeah, man. Tell me all the dirt. I'm with you."
Said Tom.
Krist heart is full of gratitude couldn't say anything.

"Okey~. The moment is over. Seriously you'd better tell us. What's going on?"
Tom asked Krist.
".....I'm confused and really don't know what to do..."
Krist starts talking about what have happened at his house and his father's reaction, along with Praew's attitude.
"Wow, it's all messed up."
Earth muttered.
"....I know I messed everything up."
Krist muttered.
"Oh no! Not you. Your Pôe! And Praew."
Tom said quickly.
Krsit looked at him.
"What's the matter with your Pôr? Your Pôr used to be a cool one. But this time , he is not cool at all. . If his son is too close to man, of course he gets upset. I got that. But what I don't like is After that. He shouldn't control you like right now. You are 21 years old , young adult who should have free will. It's too much."
Tom gets mad at Krist's father.

"But.. if I like P'Singto, I'm not Normal. And ...everyone will be ashamed of me."
Krist said sadly.
"Who said that? Huh? Have you ever asked me if your preference change causes  end of our my friendship ? Or do you just conclude yourself ? Don't dis me. If you ever diss me again, I'll beat you up.
And! What is the definition of Normal to begin with? According to your regulations there are so many people who is not Normal! So you are saying my sister is not Normal, because she has a girlfriend, Huh? Tell me!"
Tom looks like pissed off.
"Hold on, Tom. You should listen what Krsit wants to say first. Chill man. You are too forward.
Hey, Krist. I won't judge you whatever you decide. I think you have to think about your feeling more throughly. For example, you like P'Singto more than Praew or not. The feeling you have to him is real or not. Think about Praew also. She is a nice girlfriend, it's been almost 5 years? If you have changed your heart, you should tell her as soon as possible. I know it's tough, but if you really respect her, you shouldn't leave her like this. Then, talk to your father."
Earth said calmly.
"But...what if I choose P'Singto, my Pôr will disappoint me."
Krist muttered.
"That's why I said talk to him. Not to tell him."
Earth said.
Krist looked down the coffee table.

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