Some point in the past - Making of Singto and Krist

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"...Look at me Singto, make nasty smile, yes, good. Look up a bit . Yess. .....Okey. Break!"
When finally camera shooting sound stopped, Singto sighed.
It's been a few months since he started modeling job. First, he was only a friend of P'Jane's street designer clothing model but soon Singto gets more offer from other shops and magazines.
Singto is too short to be a super model but his golden ratio lean body figure with symmetrical face appeal to lots of designers.
....and women.
Singto didn't know he is such a chick magnet.
....also men.
Singto also didn't know guys really like him.
But all of them are don't matter to him.
He has little interest in people's heart.

"Singto, do you want to eat with us?"
After photo-shooting is done, other models asked out with them.
"I'd love to go, but I have something to do tonight."
When Singto replies, someone said from behind.
"Singto have a date with Emily tonight."
"Huh? Emily ? Really? Wow! That must be hard to ask her out Singto?"
He poked Singto teasingly.
"Umm, she asked me."
"What? Fuck! You are unbelievable!"
Other one shouted.
"Eh? How about Achara? I thought she is your girlfriend."
"Bhahahahha! Achara (pretty angel) turned to monster when she saw Singto with another girl."
Another boy screamed.
"Hey! I wasn't with the girl. I just helped her to carry her staff to her room."
Singto said.
"Yeah, somehow that girl's room was "accidentally" next to Achara's. Then when you got out from the girl's room, Achara was there.. right?"
Other one winked Singto.
"Ooooooh. That girl tricked you, Singto."
Different boy grinned.
"I heard Achara regretted her action and begged you to come back."
"... I don't care. Achara didn't believe me for the first place."
Singto sighed.
"Oh, you are so cold hearted."
"Me? Why me? I explained Achara but she  turned me down first."
"So that's why when she begged you, you just blew off ? You are so badass."
"No! I didn't!"
Singto try to explain to him but someone said from other side.
"Oh, yes. You are cold hearted man!"
Everyone gave him a hoot.
Singto gave up and just shook his head.

"You are so cold hearted.... then she slapped me."
Singto said with monotone voice and sighed.
"Oh..that's why your cheek is so red and swallows. Hahaha."
Pin gives cold patch to Singto.
"Oh, don't laugh at me. I have to skip my job tomorrow, because of this."
"Buhahah, which girl did slap you? Emma? Emily?"
P'Jane asked Singto.
"...does it matter to you, P? It's done. so I don't care. Don't wanna talk about it."
Singto sulked.
"Which time? Huh? Switch your date to boys!"
Pin said Singto teasingly.
"Yay! actually you are very popular among other male models. You know that don't you? The other day..What was his name..umm? Oh yes, Taylor asked you out right?"
Jane grinned.

"...I'm okey with both gender but I am appreciate big boobs rather than big chest right now. So I don't date with boys."
Singto humped.
"Well, you are very gentle and kind hearted but you don't make your date "special". Your priority is your own time with your father or close friends not her. You appreciate your girlfriend but not more or less."
P'Jane said.
"That's so boring for girls. Nobody is special for you."
P'Pin yawned.
Singto yelled.
"Seriously Singto, it's so disrespectful for ladies. You'd better treat your special girl nicer. Otherwise you'll get another slap from different woman. Don't sleep around them, too."
Pin flicked Singto's forehead.
Singto gets tears eyed.
"P'Pin! I don't sleep around women! I'm not an asshole."
"You treat them badly enough, idiot."
Pin raised middle finger.
Singto can't say anything.
"Pin, why don't you be a girlfriend of Singto? I think You can handle him well."
P'Jane said to them.
"What? "
They shout together and look at Jane.
" what? "
Jane shrugged his shoulder.
"....Singto?  I can't sleep with my brother like one. It's weird."
Pin made weird face.
"Well, actually P'Pin is my type. I like tall, pale skin, good figure, and older than me. It's enough for me if I'm comfortable with each other. So, P'Pin is good enough for me. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
Singto looked at her with big smile.
"Shut up Singto! Sounds like old married couple with no passion! No! Oh, hell no! That's not totally me! Bleh!! Also I have a boyfriend right now. Thank you!"
Pin is really pissed off at him.
" Okey, fine.."
Singto shrugged.

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