journal log 1

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'Hello journal I found you in a vehicle graveyard while trying to fix an rv 

Update: I wasn't able to fix the stupid thing but I was able to fix a nice truck it looks so badass. I'm not gonna take off until I search the rest of the cars for more food I'll be back in a flash.'

'I am the luckiest girl in the apocalypse I found like a huge box and it was filled with nothing but Oreos just Oreos like what kinda person packs a box with nothing but Oreos I mean not that I'm complaining because Oreos are fucking delicious but still. I also found some headphones for my walkman and some toiletries but the most important thing I found was a picture. It was a picture of me and my dad Alvin Bernard Murphy. He was a great dad he went to prison two years before all this shit went down. I always liked him more than mom he was always in a good mood and he could always make me feel better and his hugs man his hugs they were always warm and welcoming and the way he smelled would always make me feel safe he smelled like cinnamon rolls and maple syrup.

And that's what his jacket smells like it's a light brown leather jacket with patches of bands and pins and things like that and sometimes the zipper gets stuck and I always panic that I broke it but it always gets unstuck. Let's see I guess I should tell you about my self journal so we can get to know each other.

My name is Maxine Luciano Murphy but my friends used to call me Max so that's what I go by. Something cool happened yesterday, a Z grabbed my hair and I realized how long it's gotten.

I really should cut it soon. Let's see what else ? I am 19 years old.

I used to love dancing and figure skating I was a wrestling champion in middle and high school. I love to sing and read. I loved playing video games and I had a YouTube channel that was pretty successful I had 7.9 million subscribers. My mom wasn't that good of a parent she was always drunk and bringing men home when dad was in jail.

When all this went down I stole my mom's car and drove as long as I could. some how I ended up in Macon in a pharmacy with 9 other people. we ended up living in a motor inn for a while then we went to a dairy farm that shit was weird they were fucking eating people and killed my friend mark. long story short there were 4 people that actually mattered to me, Lee, Kenny, clementine and Ben. Lee got bit, ben died.

And Kenny's ass went missing. I stayed with clem and we found kenny at a ski lodge. we met this girl named bonnie and then when we went to take care of the wind turbine this bastard arvo took me and here we are now. me immune to bites and not knowing where any of my family is.

My hand is getting tired so I'm gonna stop writing here and I'll write later.'

I close the journal and put it in my backpack I put the photo I found in my pocket and look around the cars some more I find some clothes more food and a few cases of water it must me my lucky day or something.

I found a red car with a dusty windshield and something that puts a huge grin on my face a skyrim shadowmark from the thieves guild this one meaning protected,

"dad was here he's still leaving signs I take out a small notepad and flip to a clean page and Mark the date, the mark,and where it was. I close the notepad and walk towards the rv I grab my stuff including the huge box of Oreos and the rest if the food and water and I put it in the working truck I grab my weapons and put them in the seat next to me everything I found is in the truck and I drive off.

a child at heart (10k x reader) a znation fanficWhere stories live. Discover now