found you

407 6 3

I've been driving for a few long hours I turn on the radio from a police car I found and was able to get working again.

I turn the volume up at someone saying something about a Murphy in the Pennsylvania area I grab the walky talky thingy and push the button

"I'm not part of delta xray delta but I might be able to help you said something about someone named Murphy." I hear a click "yes who am I speaking to." "Max." "Full name please." "Maxine Luciana Murphy now what's this about a Murphy and California?" "Wait is your father's name Alvin?" "Yeah." "It's an honor to be talking with the Murphy's daughter miss." I bolt up sitting up straight.  "Where is he, where is my dad?" "Looks like a few miles from where you are I'll give you instructions." After a few lefts and rights I am met with a black car.

A woman with brown skin and long hair steps towards me. "Who are you and what do you want?" "I'm Maxine Luciana Murphy and I want my dad some guy named citizen Z told me this is where I could find him." She looks shocked but simply nods her head

"Murphy you have someone here that wants to see you get out here." A man wearing a tattered jacket similar to the one I'm wearing. "What do you mean someone wants to see me everyone I knew is de-" he looks at me wearing his jacket a look of shock and fear flashes through both our faces.

"M-max is it really you?" I nod my head once and he just walks up to me and pulls me into one of his world famous hugs and I instantly feel safe and like nothing can hurt me and in that moment it was like the apocalypse stopped and I was back home or I had just won a wrestling tournament.

He pulled away and just looked at me "I can't believe it's really you, you still have my jacket I hope you kept it safe." I just laugh at that we're both practically beaming I remember the huge stash of food I have in the back seat and bed of the truck. 

"Are you guys hungry I have a shitload of food and I'm happy to share." The woman with brown skin walked up to me and said "I like this girl already." "I also have some water If you guys are thirsty."

At this point she's smiling I open the back seat door and hand her a bottle of water. She tells everyone to get out of the truck I see 6 people come out of the truck 2 coming from the bed. She points to the people " this is Garnett, doc, mack, addy, Cassandra, and 10k." She points to the last person and my head start spinning. He has raven black hair and brilliant green eyes with flecks of blue his eyes looked like a sea after a storm. He looks a bit taller than me and has a grey camo shirt and black cargo pants and a bandana around his neck and goggles over his head. "What kinda name is 10k?" "It's how many zs I'm gonna kill." I snicker at that "something funny about that?" He asked confused "no it's just i passed 10000 ages ago I may be immune but it's satisfying to see one drop and having the others leave you alone."

They all looked shocked at what I said. Doc stepped forward "you're immune too huh like father like daughter." "Yeah I was with a group for a while  pretty good people about 8 people including 2 kids one looked about 14 and the other 11 I was good friends with all of them except one of the adults her name was Rebecca she was pregnant with a child but everyone else was fine with me especially these two guys luke and nick they were good people it was like we were joined at the hip we did everything together and then one night I got kidnapped by a group run but this Russian guy arvo he had a doctor with them and she had a look at me, went through my stuff and found a photo of me an my dad and then she put two and two together and found out I was Murphy's daughter she injected a green liquid into my arm and I've been bitten twice and I'm still kicking, zombies don't care about me they don't even Chase me it's like I'm one of them but I'm human." After a while I had met the entire group and got to know them except 10k he was really quiet. Addy and Mack decided to look for something to contact citizen Z because my radio broke I decided to go with them. Mack decided to look for some supplies and addy was trying to get some radio to work I decided to stay with her we talked about what our lives were like before the world went to shit. Until she was able to talk to citizen Z we both talked to him about Murphy and I remembered to thank him for telling me how to find my dad. "Don't mention it I'm happy to help you." I hear footsteps and see addy being tazed and then I feel a sharp sting in my neck and everything goes black.

a child at heart (10k x reader) a znation fanficWhere stories live. Discover now