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' Hey journal it's me again, guess what we're doing right now, you guessed it fucking driving, and I'm not even at the wheel my dad is he hasn't let me drive since the cannibal incident and it really pisses me off. It's my truck meaning I should be able to drive it whenever I want. Apparently we're driving to find somewhere safe so we can stop sleeping in the trucks. I wonder what Nick and Clementine are doing, they probably think I'm dead, poor Nick I miss him so much, and Rebecca looked like she was ready to burst and have her baby when I last saw her. We were at a ski lodge and I decided to wall around the woods and then that bitch arvo drugged me and brought me to Dr. Merch. I hope I see them again.' We drive to what looks like a civil war museum and we find people about 8 people (ok in this fanfic nick is still alive at this point Okie doki)

one of them I recognize instantly with her tattered baseball hat. I jump out of the car and run towards them "CLEMENTINE!" She turns around and I stop running, she probably doesn't recognize me so I walk a bit slower. "Clementine it's me, Max." She runs up to me and gives me a hug resulting in me letting out a loud "oof" everyone steps out of the truck and follows me and Clementine through an arch and onto the museum grounds. Everyone turns to see me and Clementine side by side and my heart skips a beat, Nick he's here everyone is except for Carlos and Alvin but I'm not gonna ask yet. "Nick you're really here." I run up and hug him and he wraps his arms around me. "Hey baby nice to see you finally caught up with us." He looks like he's on the brink of tears. " now don't run off on us again ok baby?" I nod my head. Now my dad looks at me with a puzzled look. Frick I forgot to tell him about nick. "Dad this is nick and the group I was with for a while before I found you guys. Hey where's Alvin?" They kind of just looked down I know what they were trying to hide. "No, not him. How, How did he die?" Clemintine spoke up " It was carver the people Carlos was talking about." I remember who that was, When Clemintine and I were watching sarah while Carlos and Rebecca went looking for luke or something I wasn't listening I was too worried about Pete.

He came in the house and I had to pretend to be clemintine's older sister which wasn't too difficult. He looked around for a while until leaving, he gave me the creeps. He left after searching the house. "So this carver guy where is he I want to have"words" with this prick. Clem shrugs, "eh don't worry kenny took care of it, he's not coming back." rebecca wails out in pain. she looks even more pregnant than before. after a few minutes, clem grabs my hand "cmon we're gonna follow jane" we walk up to an observation deck and jane pops out from a doorway. "Who's this clem?" I walk up to her "I'm Max I was with them before they were captured by Carver. And I'm guessing you're Jane." she nods her head and looks over my shoulder and crouches, "GET DOWN!" I turn to face where she was looking and I see, That mother fucker that fucking piece of shit: Arvo.

I run down the stairs and into the woods stumbling over my own footsteps and falling over a fallen tree as a branch landed itself into my leg. 'He's not taking me again'. I start to hyperventilate and everything is a blur. "MAX HOLY SHIT! DOC COME QUICK I FOUND HER!" I feel someone picking me up and running. my mind tells me it's not Arvo but my arms push me out of his arms. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!" He kneels down and pushes the hair out of my eyes. "MAx it's me 10k you're alright. You hurt your leg so I'm gonna pick you up now ok?"


3rd person pov:

The blinding white pain from Max's leg soon faded from the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. The only thing that mattered was getting away from whatever was holding her. The dry burn in her throat didn't matter, the warm sticky feeling of the blood seeping out of her leg didn't matter. The weight of her backpack and weapons strapped to her legs and torso didn't matter all that mattered was she needed to keep running.

Eventually... she stopped running and started climbing, a tree that is. A tree is perfect for hiding. At least that's what she thought but apparently it's difficult to climb a tree when you only have one uninjured leg. She made it up to a stable branch and rested.

She grabbed a rope from her bag that she used for storing food in trees when camping and tied herself in case she fell asleep so she wouldn't fall.

Spoiler alert she fell asleep almost immediately after the adrenaline stopped.

a child at heart (10k x reader) a znation fanficWhere stories live. Discover now