journal log 2

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'Hello journal I sorry I haven't been writing as much as I promised but that just means I have more to write about. I was kidnapped by these weird cannibals and they used the girls to lure in people they ate. Why would you eat people when they're still alive that makes you just like the zombies even worse. Remember when I wrote about my dad, well this guy on the radio named citizen Z led me to him and he's with a pretty big group of about 8 people not including me. This group is awesome everyone is so nice and friendly to me except one guy 10k, it's not that he's mean it's just he doesn't talk much but holy shit he's hot he has these eyes that are so gorgeous and this hair that is just to die for. And when he does talk oh Lord his voice it's like an angel said "fuck it I don't need to talk anymore he kid take this."

Doc is practically a grandfather to me he's always telling jokes and playing cards with my dad and me when he can. Mack and addy are really nice to me except when Mack teases me about  my childish attitude but hey if you can't have a playful imagination what's the point. But the worst thing is when he teases me about my fears. It's not my fault I didn't choose to be afraid. Man fuck you Mack. Warren and Garnett are like my aunt and uncle in the case that if they find spare change it goes to me because I'm the only person that can use it for replacement bullets. They also sneak candy to me one time they found one if those bags of wherthers green apple candies and they just tossed it to me without words. That day I was really happy. I finally cut my hair I gave myself an undercut it looks kinda like Levi Ackerman's hair but with blue and purple at the roots. I got new boots, nice tough leather ones. Praise the Lord for shoe stores. I also found a nice Harley Davidson jacket it looks so badass. I found some batteries for my walkman and some cool cd about fallout 4 it was every song from diamond city radio, meaning I got to fall asleep to set the world on fire every night and I love it. But right now we're driving, I feel that's all we do is drive and stop for trouble and then drive again, that's all we do is drive drive drive, it's so stupid there's nothing fun to do. We're stopping at a library so maybe we find some good books I'm praying for some manga and Harry potter. I'll write in a little bit I promise.' I step out of the truck and walk over to everyone else as they walk towards the library. "Oh wait I forgot something I'll be right back." I rush to my truck and grab my empty duffle bag. 'I fill this with some nice books.' I run back holding it "what it's for books the library is right next to the supermarket I'm getting some books so I don't die of boredom." My dad pipes up "alright kiddo but I want someone going with you or you're gonna have to wait until we're done." I just groan and pout. "I'll go with her I kinda wanna check out that library too and we're pretty good on food we still have 2 full truck beds." 10k says my dad just nods and I run into the building only to have my hand grabbed by 10k "slow down there might be infected in here and we don't want to be ambushed by zombies." He says booping my nose making me blush profusely. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on 10k but dad would never approve of him, or anyone for that matter.

I wonder what he would think of nick back at Carlos' camp. He helped me through a lot including my addiction of cuddles, he was a bit taller than me and was the perfect big spoon and he was alway so nice and warm and we were practically inseparable, but I don't even know if he's alive, or luke,or Clementine, or even that ass Kenny. Maybe if I'm lucky we'll meet again. As we walk through the library I find a shelf and my eyes light up. Harry potter hardcover edition, all 7 books in pristine condition. I glance at another couple of shelves, kakegurui, ouran high school host club, death note, and my absolute favorite attack on titan. I shove the books into my duffle bag and 10K stares at me with a weird expression on his face.

"I can't fuckin watch anime this is the next best thing okay same goes with Harry potter." He just put his hands up and shrugs. "Alright I'm finished here let's go." I say happy as can be that I found a shit ton of books to save me from boredom. We walk out of the library meaning he walks out with 3 books and I'm dragging my full duffle bag obviously struggling to do so until Garnett carries it with ease and I simply pout. "I coulda done it myself." He puts it in the back seat and slams the door. "Hey be careful don't hurt Connor he'll stop working." He looks confused "Connor?" I roll my eyes and point at the truck. "Yes Connor my baby boy I would appreciate if you didn't slam Connors doors." He just sighs and shakes his head. And on we drive me now listening to one of my own cds that I out music on all the songs to life is strange. Listen it was 2013 there was nothing better to put on a CD illegally and the songs slap.

a child at heart (10k x reader) a znation fanficWhere stories live. Discover now