the rescue

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I wake up feeling my hands bound to a hard surface feels like the arms of a chair cold and wooden I feel something in my mouth. Those bastards gagged me so I can't speak. I feel the hood being pulled off my face and my eyes take a moment to adjust to the light it's still daytime so I surely haven't been here long.

"Ah awake at last your friend here's been awake for almost 20 minutes. I turn my head to see addy with tears streaming down her cheeks. He explains who he is and his group. Then he calls over 2 girls who are dressed in skimpy clothing and tells them to help us get dressed. 'Shit I don't want them watching me while I'm changing they'll see me naked.' I start to speak

"can I please keep my clothes on I get cold easily and if I get to cold my body might shut down." It was true the weird green liquid made me very susceptible to the cold there was one time that I got so cold I passed out and woke up 3 days later.

"Of course my dear wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable." I mentally cheer a few moments later addy gets out of this rv thing in skimpy clothing like the other two girls we start walking around and talking about our group. "Mack and everyone else are gonna come for us I know it your dad wouldn't leave you here right I mean they must know we're gone right max.? "Don't be so sure my dad abandoned me and that forced me to stay with my horrible mother." We find a shed thing and step inside "god I hope we're not eating dog. " addy says as she pulls away a curtain only to find a person with their lips sewn together and missing one of their arms and legs. We both run out scared of what we just saw. The man with black hair catches addy while some other guy catches me and the big guy yells "dinner's ready."

Time skip brought to by a box with nothing but Oreos

One of the guards runs in and says fresh meat, we all walk out only to find Garnett. I can feel my excitement bursting at the seams. " I hear you have two of my people." He sneers at this "and I hear you have my sunshine maybe we can work something out. After a small fight breaks out Cassandra jumps out "wait I'll come back just let them go." The gate opens and Cassandra enters he practically shoves addy outside and the gate closes.

I look up at him and my excitement fizzled he has an evil smile about him like he won a war or something. "I think I'll keep this one and you can have the other but this one stays here with us she's much too pretty and valuable to let go." And with that he leans down and kisses my temple making me back away with a scared look on my face. 'Calm down max calm down max everything is under control you're going to be ok.' The first voice assures me 'everything is not okay these people eat people like zombies and shit what the fuck is wrong with them.' 'I want my dad I want my dad I want my dad I want my dad I want my dad I want my dad I want my dad I want my dad please help me dad don't leave me here.'

I feel my heart rate increasing and my anxiety getting the better of me. I start to tear up until the tears finally spill and I start crying Cassandra leads me to the rv and comforts me.

"Everything is going to be okay max I promise." I start sobbing uncontrollably.

Time Skippidy doo dah

I fell asleep crying until I was woken up by loud music it was a song I've heard of before something valkerys but it was super fucking loud I peeked out the window to see that beautiful black truck and my own truck being followedby a huge pack of zombies. I grab Cassandra and run out the rv and to the truck and hop in the bed as we drive off. When we finally reach where we were before addy and I were taken we all get out of the trucks and my dad steps out of mine and I rush to him and  hug him as tight as physically possible and I start crying again. "Hey hey it's okay babygirl you're safe I'm right here everything is ok." I look and see if my cardboard box full of Oreos is still there, it's not. "Where's the cardboard box that was in here?" "It's in the other truck." I rush back to the backseat and open the door snatching the box and putting it in my truck.

"New rule no one and I mean no one touches that box if you do be prepared to lose your Dick slash finger which ever one I feel you don't need everyone got that." I look at everyone and they're all looking at me with scared looks. I smile sweetly put my cheeks in my hands and giggle. "Good glad everyone understands now let's go we have a bitchy doctor to find." I pass by my dad holding my hand out.

" does Mr. Harry potter have his key." He shakes his head "uh uh no way in hell am I letting you drive this you look exhausted you are resting in the backseat. I'm driving kiddo." He ruffles my hair and I just roll my eyes I lay down in the back seat and I instantly feel sleepy he takes off his jacket and lays it on me like a blanket. After almost 4 years he still smells the same I open the cardboard box and sneak myself a few cookies I think I'm safe until he turns his head catching me red handed with Oreos he looks down in the box and just stares at me. He hold out his hand "unless you want me telling the others I suggest you hand me a few damn cookies." I laugh and hand him half a roll. After I finish my snack I lay down and let sleep consume me.

a child at heart (10k x reader) a znation fanficWhere stories live. Discover now