Chapter 7

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Tyrell's POV

We're walking to our next class. It's just quiet.

Maybe I shouldn't have said what I said earlier. Fuck. I look towards Elliot and he looks very uncomfortable. He keeps looking around at the other people. It's probably because of me.

Elliot's POV

Fuck this hall way is really crowded. I feel like everyone is watchimg me. Oh fuck. I start breathing fast, my heart beats faster, I start sweating. Fuck please don't have a panic attack right now.

Tyrell's POV

Oh no wait I can hear him heavy breathing. Is he having a panic attack?! What should I do hold him? Oh no it's getting worse.

I stop Elliot, grab his hand, and take him to a nearby restroom. Luckily there's no one here.

"Hey everything okay Elliot?" I say looking at him, but he's looking everywhere. He's breathing fast.

"Älskling, Look at me." I hold Elliot's chin up. He's crying.

Elliot's POV

Fuck.. My eyes are starting to tear up. Shit it's getting bad.

All of a sudden Tyrell is grabing my hand and taking me somewhere. It's a restroom.

"Hey everything okay Elliot?" I can barely hear him. I'm looking around to see if anyone is here. Luckily there isn't. Fuck tears are going down my cheek. I don't want Tyrell seeing me like this.

"Älskling, look at me." Tyrell says as he grabs my chin up. He's suprised, but it quickly changes to a sweet, caring stare. I realize we're still holding hands. My grip gets tighter. Tears going down my cheek. We're looking eachother straight in the eyes.

"Shhh Elliot it's alright." Tyrell says then he hugs me tight. I stay shock for a while, but I eventually hug him back.

Tyrell's POV

Fuck Elliot. I wanna hug him so bad right now.

"Shhh Elliot it's alright." I pull him in for a hug. His head is on my chest, my chin is on his head and I just hug him tight. It takes a while for him to get comfortable. He hugs back. His tears are making my suit damp.

Elliot's POV

I can hear his heart beat. It's nice.

It's been a long time since I had this much physical contact with a someone. I usually hate it, but I don't know what's up with me lately.

"Hey lets just skip this class. It's the last class so who cares." Tyrell says sweetly. God he has such a nice voice.

I clear my throat. "Alright." I let go of Tyrell and he lets go of me. I look straight into his eyes. I wanna hug him again, but that's just weird.

Tyrell's POV

We stay there just listening to each other breath.

"Hey lets just skip this class. It's the last class so who cares." I say.

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