Chapter 8

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Elliot's POV

Tyrell is in the restroom right now. I gotta change.

I check the drawers for clothes. I take out boxers, sweatpants and a black shirt. I started changing and when I take my shirt off I hear the restroom door open. Fuck. I hope doesn't see my scars on my hips. We'll talk about that later friend.

I noticed Tyrell has been staring.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer." I say and put on my shirt.

I hear Tyrell chuckle. "I would Elliot, but that'll be weird." He says.

"Stop." I start blushing. Fuck what's wrong with me. I've said Tyrell was beautiful, that he had a nice smile, and a sweet tone of voice. Oh yeah and don't forget those ocean blue eyes.

"Elliot. You should sleep." Tyrell says from the bed. I turn and he's there laying down.

"Yeah." I sit down on the bed. I don't think I can sleep with him laying next to me.

"You want me to leave or something?" Tyrell says. I look at him.

"No it's still raining." I say as I look out the window then back to him. "You can stay."

"Alright thanks. Do you want me to like get off the bed?" Yes please Tyrell.

"No it's fine." Why did I say that?!

I lay back and cover myself with the blanket. I can feel Tyrell cover himself too. Fuck it's cold.

Tyrell's POV

I lay on right side of the bed close to the window.

"Elliot. You should sleep." I say looking at Elliot.

"Yeah." He sits down. I can tell he feels really uncomfortable.

"You want me to leave or something?" I say concerned.

"No it's still raining." He looks at the window then back at me. "You can stay."

Maybe I should move.

"Alright thanks. Do you want me to like get off the bed?" Fuck man I think I should.

"No it's fine." He says as he lays down and covers himself with the blanket I do the same.

I can hear Elliot's teeth clattering. He's cold. Should I like hug him or something?

I turn my body towards his back. He's shaking. Damit what should I do?

I get closer to Elliot. I put one arm around him. He flinches.

"Is this okay?" I ask kindly. He nods.

I try moving my body closer. My head is close to his hair. I can smell shampoo and rain water on him.

"Are you okay with this?" I ask again.

"Yeah." Elliot says in a sleepy voice.

Elliot's POV

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