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Hey! They Galaxy Person aka Taylor Jamie here!

And welcome to...whatever this is!

This is my first time writing a Sanders Sides Fan fiction book thingy. Sorry.

So this story is based off of a three part one shot I have in my one shot book (check it out if you want I won't pressure you to). However, it would make more sense if those were read.

Said three part One Shot being "He Will Never Be Satisfied," "Secretly Heartbroken," and "He Used to Love You."

As you can probably tell by the title of this book, this book is named the same as one of the One Shots.

Why, you may or may not be asking?

Because I liked the title. And it fits with the story more than "He Used to Love You"

Anyways, a few things I must say:

•The only thing I own is the plot and idea for this story and this book itself since I am the only writer. Along with original characters of mine that may or may not make an appearance, that is the only things I own.

•This is a HUMAN AU. Please don't comment things like "oh they look similar" etc., etc. They all look different and are not, I repeat, are not related. Thomas and Patton are the only two related in this AU, everyone else is just friends. Well, not Virgil and Logan since they are technically married in this AU.

•How the sides look in this AU is up to you, unless I write certain things that have to do with a certain character. Does that make sense or sound rude or mean? Sorry if it sounds rude or mean. And also sorry if it makes no sense.

•I am talkative person! Feel free to talk with me in the comments if ya want! But no hate please. But tips are welcome! And if there are any spelling mistakes in any of the chapters.

•Some parts of this story will have some swearing in it. But warnings will be put at the top of the chapter incase there is any.

•The book switches perspectives in chapters. Example: It may be Roman in one chapter then third person in the next one.

The main romantic ship in this will be least, for now...

(P.s., it won't just be Roman and Patton whose hearts will be shattered in this book...)

If there are any trigger warnings for any of the chapters I will put it at the top of the chapter.

Anyways, let's get into the story, shall we?

Also sorry that this was long 😅 Whoops.

Secretly Heartbroken-Analogical/PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now