🥀 (1)

186 9 24

Warning: Mention of heartbreak, mention of jealously, mention of mistakes, crying, fainting/passing out

Roman's Perspective

Today was finally here. The dreaded day. The day that would change everything.

The day of Logan and Virgil's wedding.

Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Weddings are supposed to be happy and beautiful and romantic,' ya' know?

I usually think that, but this time it's....different for me. Why, you may be asking yourself?

I've always had a...thing for Virgil Sangria.

Look, I know it's stereotypical. The gay guy falling for his best friend who's also just so happens to be gay. And said gay guy is supposed to confess to the also gay best friend, right?

Well here I am now. Standing outside in the grass at a wedding. Watching my best friend get married to a man who sees me as irritating and as an absolute idiot.

Soon it comes to the time for the vows, and I wanted...I wanted to object. I wanted to say it, maybe even scream it out at him.

But I never did.

Something inside me told me to just keep my mouth shut. So I did that, looking at the ground as the ceremony finished up.

I couldn't bare to see the two about to-ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit. That should have been me, I think, my mind soon filling with thoughts.

I should be happy for him. I really should. Virgil's my best friend! He did make me his best man, after all. So why am I feeling like this? Shouldn't I be happy...or should I not...

I snap out of my thoughts, and put on a fake enough smile. Luckily no one can tell...right? Anyways, I followed everyone else inside, and took a seat next to my friend, Patton. I would have sat with Virgil or Logan but....you know.

After everyone was settled and the....happy couple thanked everyone for coming. Everyone decided to talk to each other, others walking up to the...couple and congratulating them again, while others were just trying to drink as much as possible for whatever reason.

After minutes of waiting, I decided to give the two a toast. Well, more Virgil than Logan since Virgil's my best friend and that's what best friends do for each other.

I stand up with my glass in hand, quickly grabbing one of the various forks on the table and lightly tapping said fork against the glass, gaining everyone's attention.

"Alright, alright! I would like to give a toast to the groom. And his groom." I said, giving a slight nod towards the two grooms. I feel my hands shaking a bit, but I just ignore it.

"From your best friend, also known as me, Roman Prince. Who's always by your side. Or, was by your side. Since that would be Logan now and you guys are married and all that wonderful stuff." That earned a laugh or two. Soon, I noticed that my hand was shaking even more. Weird. I quickly hid my free hand inside my pocket to avoid suspicion.

"Anyways, to your union! And the hope that you'll provide that we may find love ourselves, of course." I lower the glass, soon noticing the room spinning and quickly getting darker. It wasn't like this before...was it?

"And may the two of you always be sa-"

The last thing I remember before fainting was the sound of a glass shattering and I, myself, falling to the ground.

I open my eyes, and it feels like I'm falling. Wait, am I falling? I look beneath my feet and...yup. I'm falling.

I look around and I see past memories. Some good, others...not so good. I feel tears start to fall down my face and I wipe them away quickly.

Secretly Heartbroken-Analogical/PrinxietyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora