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Hey guys, it's me! Your author!

So uh.....I may cancel this book.

I'm sorry, I just no longer have any inspiration for it anymore.

Plus I have school, and all the extreme stress and somehow emotional stress that comes with it and homework. Oh, and other books that I'm writing to keep up with.

But this isn't my final choice. I may keep this up, I may continue to write it. I don't know yet.

I mean.....if I do end up canceling this book, I always have another Sanders Sides book that isn't the one shots, also known as Dear You. It's kind of new, only having a prologue and two chapters and all, and the updates are a bit slow.

And I may or may not have....another book coming up that's a bit different, but still Sanders sides related. It may or may not just end up as a one shot, though.

I just don't know what to do here guys. I may cancel this, I may not. Or I may just put it on hiatus.

Who honestly knows anymore.


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