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Possible Trigger Warning: Cussing/Swearing

Third Person Perspective

Both Roman and Virgil's eyes widened in shock. Neither of them had intended for this to happen. Or who had started it in the first place.

Virgil soon pulled away, physically pushing Roman off of him in the process, causing him to fall onto the ground.

"What the fuck Princey?!" Virgil whisper yelled to him, a bit mad and a bit confused. There was thoughts racing through Virgil's mind.

He knew he didn't start the kiss, at least not intentionally. But if Virgil did start it, what did this mean? How would he tell Logan? What if Logan found out?

"I-" Roman started to say, slowly standing up, before he saw the mixed look on Virgil's face and shut up.

Roman has just assumed that Virgil had accidentally started it for whatever reason. But the more he thought about it, Roman couldn't think of a reason why he would do it.

Virgil was happily married to Logan, and Roman was okay with it, not jealous at all. But all Roman could think about why it felt so....good when Roman was so sure that he was over him so this all took him by surprise.

Virgil started pacing around the kitchen, gripping on his hair tightly, voicing his worries under his breath.

"Holy fuck what am I gonna do about this how am I gonna tell Logan that we-wait, why did we.....holy shit this is gonna all blow up in my face!" Virgil murmured to himself, his face growing more and more with worry.

"Hey, calm down." Roman said, hesitantly putting his hand on Virgil's shoulder.

"Calm down? Calm down?! Is that all your gonna say to me about this situation?!" Virgil snapped at him, Roman quickly moving his hand and taking a few steps back, flinching a bit.


"What's going on in here?" A voice suddenly said, cutting Roman off from what he was about to say. Said voice belonged to no other than Logan himself, entering the kitchen with Patton following closely behind him with a worried expression.

"We heard yelling and...and....." Patton started to say, before going silent, due to losing his train of thought.

Logan was about to speak again before looking over at his husband, who was practically freaking out, and went over to him, leading him to another room, whispering things to him along the way.

With the two lovers gone, it just left Patton and Roman in the kitchen, staring at each other in silence.

"So....what happened in here? Did you finally tell him about...." Patton started, not wanting to say the rest out loud, just incase the other two heard. Roman shook his head.

"Well.....no. We were just arguing over where to put the spaghetti and both of us, mainly Virgil, got a bit....overwhelmed about it." Roman lied through his teeth, surprisingly well since Patton just gave him a look of understanding.

"So...you met any cute guys lately?" Roman asked, changing the subject. Patton smiled a little brightly, before it quickly died down and he shook his head.

"Not really....I've tried, but none of them are just positive or like me," Patton said, shifting his feet a bit before putting on a smile and looking at Roman. "But what about you? Did you meet anyone nice yet?"

Roman beamed, and was about to answer, before hearing a buzzing from his phone. Roman took his phone from his pocket, and his face went a bit pale before he rushed out, not saying a word.

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