Trevor x Lamar (Nice Smut)

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Dedicated to ThatDemon828

After the trip with Lamar and Franklin, Trevor hadn't spoken to them in weeks. He finally decided that it was finally time to contact Lamar and talk to him about what happened between the two. There was however one problem, he didn't know how to approach the subject. He didn't know wether or not he should come out and just say how he felt or wait for Lamar to say something. He finally decided he would just come out with him so he dialed Lamar's number. Lamar answered right away "aye crazy dude! Wassup?" "Nothing much man. Wanna hang out?" "Sure crazy dude. Pick me up at my crib. We can go to your strip club." This made Trevor smile since he wouldn't actually be taking Lamar to his strip club but he happily agreed and hit the road. As he neared Lamar's house he started getting really nervous. He didn't know if he could do this. He even contemplated standing Lamar up but he continued on. When he pulled in front of Lamar's house, he was on the porch waiting. Lamar walked over and got in. He smiled at Trevor and Trevor smiled back. Trevor started driving and he ended up driving out to Vespucci beach which was always empty since it was getting late. Lamar was confused "hey crazy dude I thought we were goin' clubbin'?" Trevor didn't answer he just kissed Lamar passionately. Lamar of course kissed back and they started making out. Trevor pulled away and panting and got out of the truck and climbed in back offering Lamar to join him. Lamar quickly joined him and they started making out again with all the passion they had for each other. In minutes they were naked and Trevor had Lamar pinned down to the bed of his truck. He kissed him harder and slowly started pushing in. Lamar moaned in Trevor's mouth and arched his back. He was in so much pleasure. Trevor looked into his eyes lovingly and the two instantly fell in love. Trevor's eyes were filled with lust and Lamar found it so sexy. They kept going and once they were done they just laid in the truck bed and cuddled. The moment was beautiful and they started dating right then and there.

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