Trevor x Lamar (Bromance)

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Dedicated to ThatDemon828

Over the past few weeks a lot had been going through his mind. One being his best friend Michael De Santa. He had been thinking that maybe he could ask him out but there was someone else too. His name was Lamar Davis and he made Trevor smile more than anyone else could. He could make Trevor smile more than Michael ever dreamed. Trevor unfortunately didn't know if Lamar felt the same which made him sad. He wanted to know. He had to know. So he decided to give Lamar a call and ask him to come over. He didn't realize he was shaking till he reached for his cell phone on the old night stand and held it up. He was nervous but why? He didn't have anything to be nervous about. It wasn't like he was asking him out or to marry him or anything so why was he nervous? He ignored it and dialed the number. It rang once, it rang twice, on the third ring Trevor heard Lamar's voice run through his ear. He jumped a bit and said "uhh hey Lamar wanna come over and hang out. Kinda bored." "Of course crazy dude. Give me about an hour and I'll be at yo place." Lamar said with no hesitation. Trevor couldn't help but smile and agree to the time. After the call ended, he panicked. The place was a mess. Trevor then began running around the old trailer cleaning up everything he could before the gangster got there. By the time he was finished he only had about 10 minutes left. He quickly took out the trash and hopped in the shower which only took him about 2 minutes. Once he was finished with that, he quickly got dressed in a black t-shirt, jeans, and black boots. He looked decent in his opinion. "Why am I trying to impress him..?" Trevor thought to himself but he was quickly interrupted when the door opened and reveled Lamar. Lamar smiled "aye crazy dude. Wassup?" The two bro hugged and began talking. They eventually went to Trevor's room to get more comfortable. Trevor ended up laying back and Lamar did the same after awhile. Night started to fall and it got a bit cold so Trevor pulled up the covers but he wasn't satisfied. He was still cold and a bit sad that Lamar was facing away from him playing on his phone. He then began to go into his thoughts. Scared that he wouldn't never get what he wanted. Scared that he'd lose Lamar completely. For the first time Trevor began to cry. Lamar felt the bed moving and he put his phone on the old night stand and rolled over to face Trevor. He didn't know what to make of Trevor crying. He didn't know how to comfort him. Trevor noticed Lamar was staring and said "hold me?" Lamar just smiled and wrapped his arms around Trevor and held him as close as possible, letting Trevor cry into him. Although Trevor was upset, Lamar thought he was perfect.

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