♛ Chapter One ♛

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Dustin Creek and Izzy Russo picture above~~ ↑

Dustin Creek and Izzy Russo picture above~~ ↑

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Friday,  October, 26  2:27 PM


     I could feel the burning in my lungs every time I took in the fresh woodland air. How long have we been running.. hours? It doesn't really matter though, this is way better than sitting in class with those annoying pricks.

     "Hold up I can't breathe anymore!" Izzy Russo, my best friend since.. well, forever. I remember taking baths with this pink haired gremlin—she had blonde hair back then of course.

     I stopped, letting my hands lift to my black hair. "This is so much better than listening to Mr. Matthews teach Health."

     Izzy snorted making me turn around to look at her, "It's not teaching if you have no idea what you're talking about." She stopped to breathe before looking back at me, "We're gonna be in so much trouble if our parents find out we ditched last hour. If we keep this up we also won't be making senior year."

     My eyes rolled so far back inside my head it hurt, "If this is such a bad idea why did you come with me? I would rather come alone anyways." I lied, Izzy is great company to have on my stupid teenage adventures.

     She sighed, attitude always found a way to seep out of her. Even if she doesn't mean it, but she usually does. "If you get into trouble I want to be there to take pictures. Besides I never said I didn't enjoy this." It was my turn to snort making her slap my arm.

      "Alright, alright. Let's get to the lake," she giggled and took the lead on the mentally drawn path.

     The lake has also been here since as long as I can remember. I found it when I was ten during a camping trip with my family when we were all one big happy family. Now we barely leave the house together unless it's business or something for my twin sisters, Abbie and Riley. I shook my head to clear my mind of the old times. There's no need to think about that when I am this close to my favorite spot in the entire world. The lake.

     "Every time I come here it seems to get prettier," Izzy pulled out her iPhone X taking a million pictures of the grassy scenery. Did I mention she was loaded, I mean, I would be too if I gave into my father's contract. Though that will never happen unless he decides to be my actual father.

     I have the allowance I am given every week and that's about all I need from those filthy stockholders. A groan escaped my lips and I shook my head again to clear the thoughts. Izzy seemed to understand and she slung her backpack onto the earthy floor. She grabbed her mini speaker and hooked it up to her phone.

     "Play the playlist I made," I said taking off my backpack. I didn't have to ask her twice, the playlist I set up on her phone was glorious. It included old rock, new rock, and even a little bit of alternative.

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