♛ Chapter Seven ♛

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My character depiction for Brison Montz~

Tuesday, October 30, 6:38 AM


"Your contribution left unnoticed/Gone by sin too slowly/ 

Then I thought nothing is right/I turned it off/

To die unsung would really bring you down/Die young is far too boring these days/

Exposed too much/Could not rub off\

—Unsung by Helmet 🖤

     "Are you sure you can go to school today?"

     I wanted to say no, but I had a feeling Izzy is worried about me and I shouldn't let her keep worrying. Even if my arm felt like shit and my body wanted to collapse as soon as I woke up this morning.

     "He needs to go anyway. He can't afford any more unexcused absences." My father's voice was cold as he sipped away the rest of his coffee.

     Like a dog, my mother nodded, "I will write a note for you to give to the office."

     Peter slid down the stairs like he had done Saturday, "Morning!"


     My family worked like robots with a chip I didn't have. They do things, that to me seems a little over the top. A happy smile isn't worth it if it's fake. Maybe I'm more like my dad... the thought makes me gag.

     I looked at the clock and blinked. I have never had time to spare before school since I usually wake up late. Today, however, my sleep was cut short by a stupid nightmare. I had three last night and by the time the last one happened I had given up on trying to get any more sleep. Those stupid beasts, every time I think about them I get angry, and then another feeling makes my stomach ache.

     Peter slid around the kitchen in his socks, scavenging the leftover breakfast for uneaten pieces of bacon. I rolled my eyes and headed for the stairs and back to the bathroom for the hundredth time. My school uniform was uncomfortable and didn't hide my bandages as much as I wanted it to. I decided on wearing my jacket the whole day so no one will notice, the thought of gym made me cringe.

     "Dustin! I have to head out early for Emily!"

     "Got it!" I called back and checked my bandages one last time before covering them. I left the bathroom and went back downstairs to grab my backpack. Riley and Abbie were both ready to go, strawberry milk mustaches lined their lips. They giggled when I shook my head. I gave them both a pat on the head, to which they hugged me, and followed Peter out the door and to his car.

     Peter pulled out faster than I expected as he raced into the road and down the street to Emily's house, just a little deeper down the cul-de-sac.

     "You sure you will be okay today?"

     I nodded, slipping my phone out of my backpack. My mother had given it back out of pity, and like that, my punishment was over. Honestly, I should fake being sick more often.

     "Why are we speeding to Emily's house it's only six fifty," I asked watching his hands grip the wheel.

     "I don't want to talk about it right now. It's probably just rumors." He bit his lips and slowed down a little. "I was on Snapchat and I got a message saying Emily was cheating."

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