I can't tutor him!

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"Cause, honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen and, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory." ~Ed Sheeran (Thinking Out Loud)

Chapter one: I can't tutor him!🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

"You seriously need to stop being so late, Harris." Can this guy call me anything other than Harris? I mean, we've been friends for 17 years!

"Kimberly, the name is Kimberly. Sorry. Okay? I had a- a nightmare." I lie.

In all honesty, the dream I really had was of me Kimberly Harris, kissing the Christopher Jones.

Still a nightmare, to my heart! Sorry. That was weird. Am I high? No. But everyone thinks I am... All the time.

"...And this is why everyone assumes your high." My other friend, Barbra said.

"Ms. Harris, Ms. Pop, Mr. Sav, this is not a talk spot. In class, now!" Ms. Boom a 40 something with Audrey Hepburn hair, said.

" Yes ma'am", "*groan*", " Whatever." Could be heard as me, Sav and Barb walked in.

I didn't want to sit down at my seat. Why? Oh, the guy I'm madly in love with, who also happens to not know I exist and be hated by my dad, sits right ducking next to me. No big deal, right? No! It a deal bigger than that mole on Mr. Words nose!

"Can I borrow a pencil?" He asked. I'm. Dead.

I snorted, thinking of my tombstone.

Here lies Kimberly Harris.
Death from her crush talking to her.
May she rest in peices, much like her heart.

When I came back to reality, Christopher was staring at me expectantly.

"Um, uh, sure. Here." I sound so awkward. I bet I look awkward, too. I need make up!

"Thanks, Kimberly." He knows my ducking name! Oh. My. God! I am truly dead.

Times like these is when I wish I could date freely, not fretting over skin color.

Whatever. Me and Christopher Jones together would never happen, even if we were able to date each other.

Class goes on, barley able tolerate. Then, the bell of life rings! Lunch, lemurssss!

"Wait! Ms. Harris, Mr. Jones, please stay in after every one has left." I don't know why, but my mouth immediately goes dry.

"Yes?" I croak out, after every ones gone.

"Mr. Jones here, seems unable to process Maths. But, you can." I seriously don't understand what she's trying to get at- wait...

" So, you need to tutor him. Starting tomorrow. Each session should last 30 minutes."

I was mortified. I can't tutor him. What if I embrass myself?

"I'm sorry I can't. I have debate." I've never been happier about being forced to join something.

"No debate on Wednesdays, right?" My eyes go wider, if that was even possible.

Is he enjoying my mysery, I ask myself when I see a smirk plastered on his to handsome face.

"No." I say, accepting my death- I mean defeat.

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