Oppression and Racism

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I recommend listening to Blackbird by the Beatles while reading.
Back to Kimberly:

I couldn't believe it. Sav's gay, GAY!

Barb left us! Over something so small! What the hell!?

"You probably don't want to be friends with me either, Harris." His face was so sad. His brown eyes boring into mine, I had never seen him like this and, quite frankly, I don't want to ever again.

"Sugar, I'd want to be friends with you for the rest of my life."

" Sure." He said, almost as though he didn't believe me. I was so sick and tired of the way things were. I was less of a person because I was black or female. And Sav was an alien that should be murdered because he was gay.

Love comes in all shapes, sizes, ways and colors.

Maybe, to make him feel a little better, or at the very least, forget his current issue, I'll tell him about me and Christopher.

"Although, my secret's not as big as yours," I began," I still wanna tell it. I'm dating the Christopher-middle name-Jones!"

"That's so groovy! We should go down to the Disco to boogie and celebrate! I knew this would happen!" Wow! Was my crush that obvious?

" Yeah, we should." I agree.


O, I don't mention it but there in some secret crawl space like thing.


"Why, isn't this just dandy?" I ask, Kim.

I probably sound like one mean cat.

But can you blame me?

Over the past few weeks, Sav's become my friend. What if my parents find he's gay? What if my dad finds out about Kim? I'd be toast!

"Huh? ' Isn't this just dandy' , what's that supposed to mean!?" Kimberly was, more than likely, enraged.

" Nothin'" I mumbled.

"Something! Something, is wrong with you and I know it has to do with Sav so, God damnit, I'm gonna find out why, do you hear me? Why? Because the Man now house another reason to get rid of Sav. He's both gay and from Russia!" (A/N: i think there was some tension between America and Russia in the 70s.)

I had never seen her so angry.

"So, don't be a chump and tell my what the fuck is wrong!" She all but screams.

" Me, you, us, Sav." I answer with out thinking.

This starts another rant.

" You!? What the hell is wrong with you?! Me and Sav I can get. I'm black, your white. Sav's gay and Russian. So the hell is wrong with you?! You're white, everybody kisses your ass and you have every teacher in this place wrapped around your finger! Every one loves the all holy Christopher Jones!" She says, big, fat tears falling out of her eyes.

"I've killed some one, Kimberly! Sure, it was accidental, but that someone had a family! Do you know who that someone was, do you Kim!?" I ask, rage taking over.

I look at her. She's shaking her head, to shocked to speak.

"Leon Harris." I state. The anger, the anger has made me numb. I ignore Kimberly's look. My heart's made of ice. Then, Kimberly sobs and asked me something.

"Tell me this, was the death of my brother on purpose? Did you purposely run him over. No. Although you did do a hit an run, you didn't do anything else wrong." She says, between sobs and hiccups.

" Thanks, Kimberly." I say.

And before I know it, she has me in a bone crushing hug.

 That 70's Love (Act One) ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora