Huh? Sorry all I heard was I'm cool!

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I didn't stop running to I reached my room.

Mum and Dad weren't home yet, so I decided t write some poetry.

I had a dream.
What does it mean?

Don't fret.

I regrets it all,
I trie to stand tall.

I fail,
All prevails.

I cuts,
No buts.

I'm floating down the river,
No longer to shiver.

"Kim, sweety, what's wrong? I heard you crying!" My mom asked me.

I checked my clock, almost an hour had passed.

"Nothing!" I lied.


It had been a full week and 2 days since the Crayon Color Debacle.

I was pretty nervous, but I guess Cris deserves a little ittle bittle second of my time to explain.

He begins to speak.

"Look," I think anger makes me confident, good to know," you got 5 seconds, man, five seconds, to apologise or whatever."

"Um, okay. I'm very sorry because your really cool from what I've seen. I just needed my friend to think we weren't friends. He'd tell my dad who'd Tell yours, who happens to hate me, and then I won't have my super cool tutor and I'll be an idiot. So please, stay my tutor and my friend." First, that was beyond a lot in one breath. Second the Christopher Jones just called me cool. Twice!
I am in heaven.

I can't believe I come of as cool to Christopher Jones! I need to celebrate! Reader, food!

No? Okay, your mean!

But I'm still happy!

"Kimberly! Kimberly? Kimberly!?" Was the- you know what? I'm tired of saying his full name.

Was he calling my name!??!

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Huh? Sorry all I heard was that I'm cool." I said, with a surprising smirk.

This guy makes me feel so confident, a little confused but confident.

"Ok. Let's get started. I hear there's an upcoming test."


Maybe, me and Christopher could be just friends, I'm happy with just that.

I'd be happy just to be in the same presence as him.

 That 70's Love (Act One) ✓Where stories live. Discover now