Protest, Part Two

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First off, where Christopher was shot, you probably wouldn't survive but I'm no doctor or no police. Also, I may have to scoot away from the 70's them because, once again, I'm no doctor which might mean I don't understand E. R's in the 70's. Third person, sorry if you don't like that. Also, I'm skipping to the office.

The doctor had told Kimberly the chances of Christopher surviving, are 50/50.

This made her so happy.

And her Dad very angry.

Kimberly was terrified of what might happen. Will he ground her, disown her, or worse, keep her from seeing Christopher?

She nibbled on her pout shaped lips out of nervousness and fear. Both of which were equally distributed to her father and boyfriend.

Third person, Chris

Christopher Jones was angry.

After surgery, which he survived (!), and visiting, he was giving a few minutes to think.

And he was livid! Whomever shot him, will not be arrested, more likely. Why? Because of who he was dating. Just because of her skin color.

If others were shot, that wouldn't matter. Because of their skin color or sexuality.

What a racist, oppressimistic time it is.


"Why isn't Kimberly here, Mom? You promised that I could see her one last time!" Christopher says, completely hating his situation.

The love of his life just watched him get shot and she can't see him. Even worse, he can't do shit about it.

"Honey, sweety," his mother was doing that thing she always did before bad news came." Kimberly can't come see you. Here father is very against that." She says, all sympathetic like.

This information angered Christopher, his chocolate brown eyes (I think),hardening into black from hatred.

"Leave me be, Mother, just leave!" Although she was frightened by her son's outburst, his mother left.

Chris broke down into tears of anguish.

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