Chapter 1. Sister Sister

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Davina Monroe woke up to a busy day as usual. She was the girl you ask favors from and she would never refuse. Some say she is blessing from above - her sister Rachel says she just has a kind heart. Davina has never been seen without her radiant smile - not since their parents passed away in a car wreck. Ever since she was young, Davina was always the shoulder to cry on, the one you could trust with secrets, the one who could not be corrupted. Even when her sister hung out with the wrong crowd- it was like Davina was her sisters guardian angel - always leading her in the right direction.

Davina's favor of the day - to help her little sister with a project. Her sister is the stereotypical twenty year old college student. She does stupid things and parties all night even though Davina is always telling her to do otherwise. Rachel is a photography major at NYU. Although, Rachel was never the type to focus on one thing at a time, let alone focus a camera lens. So far, Davina has been doing her sisters projects as she is a lot more skilled in the arts of photography than her dear sister. This months project : street photography.

Little did the Monroe sisters know, that today - their lives would change forever. One click of a button and everything they knew would be taken away.


Davina had the camera strap around her neck. She was adjusting her grip on the matte black canon dslr camera. "I don't know how you do it?" Rachel looks over her sisters shoulder - watching her click different buttons. Davina looks at her sister, shakes her head and laughs, "What? You mean, turn on the camera?".

Rachel facepalmed and shook her head. "I never pay attention in class."

"What do you do in class then?" Davina looks at her little sister wondering how the four year age gap made them so different. Davina was a hard worker, always focused, and always the light in the room. While her sister was... straight out of the supernatural. Davina always felt like she had to carry a bottle of holy water around her sister - just in case.

"I sleep and watch Netflix! What else would you do in class?" Rachel answered honestly as she flailed her arms in confusion. Davina just laughs, "I don't know, listen to the lectures?". Rachel looks at her sister and playfully punches her arm. They both talk and laugh as they walk through New York- occasionally stopping to take a photo.

"What are you even snapping photos of?" Rachel asks while observing her sister- who is focused on taking a picture of a man sitting on a bench. "People." Davina simply states. Davina walks a few steps until she is once again by Rachel's side. "People? Wouldn't that be portrait photography?" Rachel questioned Davina. "No, I'm taking photos of people because that's what street photography is. It's capturing people in their everyday lives." Davina effortlessly explains. Rachel is once again shown that she is a horrible student and continues walking.

Rachel truly admires her sister- how stable and independent she is. Rachel could never wrap her mind about how her sister glides through life so effortlessly. Davina being twenty-four, already went through college and then bought a very nice apartment. Davina was a therapist and life coach, which molded into her persona nicely. However Rachel can't even decide what outfit to wear each day, let alone choose a career for herself. If it weren't for her sister, Rachel would probably be in trouble and struggling through life. Davina is truly an angel- helping Rachel when she least deserves it.

The sisters made their way through the concrete jungle - with the buildings towering over them. As Davina was taking photos she noticed the faces in them started to get increasingly distressed by something.

"Hey Dee?" Rachel's voice was wavering with hesitation and concern. Davina slowly lowered the camera as the turned the corner. Before their eyes, all hell broke lose through the city.

People screaming and shoving each other to get away from an unknown threat. The city was in complete chaos. Davina turned to her sister- who has a similar worried expression on her face. Rachel took a breath - shaking off her nerves and snatched the camera off of Davina.

"What do you think your doing?" Davina knew all too well what her foolish sister was about to do. There was no way Davina was going to let her go out into the unknown and towards danger.

"Becoming a journalist!" Her sister yelled back over the sounds of fear from the surrounding citizens. With that said, Rachel started running towards the chaos, leaving her frightened sister standing in anger and shock. "When are you going to learn?" Davina whines and she takes a shaky breath. "Wait for me!" She yells to her sister sprinting to catch up to her.

When Davina finally caught up, she was panting hard. "Now what?" She says hunched over and between breaths . All she felt were unfocused slaps on her arm as her sister was trying to get her attention.

"Dee?..." Rachel wasn't even looking at her out of shape sister. She was looking at the sight before her, a sight that was the definition of crazy and out of this world.

Davina slowly straightened up to see what her sister was so captured with. "What the hell is that..." Davina's voice trails off as she watches in horror.

Rachel took a shaky breath. "Aliens."


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