Chapter 5. London Hideaway

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"I know what it is you have come to ask my prince. The answer to your question however is not the answer you hope for." Heimdall spoke as Thor entered the golden dome of Asgard.

"What is it you mean? Where is she?" Thor Asked.

"I fear I cannot see Lady Davina. However, I can tell you she is alive. I can feel her energy but I cannot locate it for some reason. It's as if something is cloaking her from my eye or that the power she wields is blinding. My apologies."

"How can I find her if not even you can locate her?" Thor sighed.

"Well, her energy is strong and if you can find yourself a skilled sorcerer, then they shall be able to find her signature." Heimdall suggested.

"Like Loki? Could he possibly do it?" Thor cautiously Asked.

"Technically Yes... however I wouldn't-"

"Thank you Heimdall." Thor interrupted as he swung his hammer and took flight to the palace.

"-recommend him..."


Thor strode into the great halls of the palace and into the dungeons of Asgard.

"Ah! My dear brother....does Asgard already miss me?" Loki spoke with sarcasm dripping from his tongue.

"No time for petty games Loki. I need your help and I need your magic." Thor spoke sternly at his brother.

"Why would I help the person who helped put me here?"

Thor sighed, "Loki. We both know this was your doing. Now, will you help or not?"

"Whats in it for me? Surly i will be compensated for my labor?" Loki Said as he walked towards the front of the cell with a grin.

"I will arrange for you to leave this cell if you do what I ask and complete the task." His brother said.

Loki paused and took in Thor's words, "When do we start?"

Thor lowered the barrier and and left with his brother by his side.
"We need to hurry." Thor said.

"Where are we going?" Loki Asked.

"Midgard." Thor said as they crossed the Bifrost bridge.

Loki looked at Thor as if he were mad.

"Midgard...of course brother...take me to the last place I committed a crime. This should be fun." Loki mumbled.

"Oh shut up..." Thor mumbled he led the way.



Davina had made it to London. However once there, all she could think of was eating and going to bed.

"Hi, welcome to London heights hotel. How may I help you?" A lady at the front desk welcomed her. She wore red with hints of black. Her hair was short and black as well. She stood out a bit from the rest of the staff but she definitely radiated confidence.

"Hi. I um, I'm here to check in."

"Name for your reservation?" The lady turned to the computer.

"Davina. Davina Monroe." Davina gave a tight smile. She had her luggage by her side and probably looked like she just woke up by the look of her hair. Didn't help that a baby was screaming bloody murder the whole flight.

"All set! Here's your key, room 138." The lady handed her a small card, "and if you have any questions just call from the room. Enjoy your stay." The lady gave Davina a stunning smile but her eyes showed no emotion. It almost gave her chills, it was almost creepy.

Davina shrugged it off and returned the smile. "Thank you." She said as she walked to the elevator.

While Davina was waiting for the elevator to arrive, a couple came and waited with her.

As the doors opened, the three of them went inside.

"What floor?" Davina Asked.

"Third." The woman spoke.

What a coincidence, that's my floor.

Davina just gave an awkward smile and pressed the button and they were off.

As Davina got off she briskly walked to her room. She noticed the couple go to the room two doors down from her.

You on vacation Dee. Stop being paranoid. This isn't the movie "Taken".

She went inside her room and immediately plopped onto the bed and was out like a light.



"You have to be shitting me..." Clint broke the silence as Thor walked in with Loki.

"Thor why the actual hell would you bring grease lightning here?" Tony Asked.

"Let me explain." Thor said.

"Brother this was an idiotic idea." Loki Said.

"See! Even he knows that his is a bad idea Thor!" Clint said.

"You better have a damn good explanation!" Fury said waking into the chaos.

Thor took a breath, "Heimdall cannot locate her,"

"Hold on. I thought you said he sees all?" Steve Asked.

"Normally yes. However he said he cannot see her due to whatever power she possesses.-"

"So is she dead?" Nat interrupted.

Thor gave an irritated sigh. "No. Heimdall can feel her energy which brings me to Why my brother-"

"Adopted." Loki interrupted.

Thor glared at Loki.

Thor once again continued his explanation, "I bought my Brother back because Heimdall said only a skilled sorcerer can locate her energy signature." Thor finished.

"And your telling me Asgard. A land full of gods doesn't have anymore sorcerers?" Tony Asked.

"Loki is the most skilled sorcerer in Asgard-" Thor said.

Loki gave a smug smile.

"He's just not the kindest or most trustworthy sorcerer." Thor finished.

Loki face went flat again and glared at Thor.

Thor patted Loki on the back which made him stumble a bit. Loki just mumbled some Norse swears.

"Alright brother. Let's begin. But no tricks Loki, or the deals off." Thor said.

Loki rolled his eyes. "I'm going to need something to locate her with... a remnant of energy? Hair? Something she has touched?" Loki looked around the room unimpressed.

"Anything!?" Fury shouted.

"She left a rose on the grave. Maybe it's still there?" Nat Said.

"That should work. Let's just get on with this- shall we?" Loki said impatiently, and already walking out the room.

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