Chapter 8. Dysfunctional family

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A/N: Hi. Hello. So going over this book again, trying to see what i want to do with this. I am continuing it. I am. I am sorta new to writing full stories. I think i made a mistake choosing what POV to write in. I think that's been the struggle here with this story. I don't know if I like how i'm writing Davina in 3rd person. I feel like you don't get a lot of connection that way. I'm considering switching POVs for her, i just don't want the book to seem too sloppy and inconstant. I think i will switch POV's and then at the end possibly put this book under reconstruction. OR - since i plan for a sequel at some point- maybe have that in her POV... I would love advice from y'all, thanks!


(Davinas POV)    -trying it out for this chapter let me know if its better this way-

"Ms. Monroe?"

I sat there- staring at the cold metal table in front of me. I focused of the spot where the overhead light reflected on the smooth surface. 

I was trying to stop the events from replaying in my head- over and over again.

I was almost drugged and taken from my hotel room... 

I cringed at the memory of being grabbed- remembering the way i tried to struggle out of their grips.... remembering the scream i had let out. That scream that led to the downfall of the attackers. Just the sight of how the blood was running from every hole in their head made me wanna puke.

I closed my eyes and bowed my head trying to shake the images from my brain.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and that's when the tears started flowing.

"Fury she's still in shock. Can we postpone the debriefing?" I heard Captain America say.

"Sorry Cap. We need to know what happened while its still fresh in her mind." The man with the eye-patch responded. He sounded like he didn't care at all. He was just there do gather Intel.

Cap keeled down beside me so he could see me.

"Davina?" he softly asked.

I sniffed and tried my best to wipe my tears and look at him. 

"We need you to tell us what happened. I know its hard but we need to know what we're dealing with so we can keep you safe." Cap gently explained.

I took a few breaths and nodded. I know they needed to know.

"Great. Start with them breaking into your room and from there we'll back track so we can just get that out of the way. Ok?" Cap said.

"Ok." I managed to say. 

With another breath i explained what happened from when I heard the door click to when they were dead on the floor. During the explanation Fury was recording and writing things down.

"So, they didn't break in? They had a key?" Natasha piped in.

I hadn't even thought about that. They did have a key. But ho-

"My key..." I trailed off.

"What about it?" Fury questioned.

It was like the pieces were putting themselves together in my head.

"That morning- I lost my key. But i know i left with it... That's when i bumped into them undercover coming out of the elevator-" i began explaining.

"They must've stolen it off you." Natasha concluded.

"They planned this the moment you booked the hotel." Natasha added.

"That- is why you need to stay under our watch. Ms. Monroe- one of the worlds biggest threats wants you. Based off your recent actions- I now understand why." Fury looked at you.

"My- actions?" I was confused.

"Davina- you have abilities. You may not know what they are yet. But you managed to kill two highly trained hydra agents with your voice. As well as kill whatever chitari came your way as you mourned your sister in the street." Fury explained.

"What I-" Powers?... I couldn't have killed the chitari....could I?

"This is the truth Lady Davina. I have seen it with my own eyes. Even now only my brother and I can see you have a magical golden aura surrounding you. It is very easy to spot." Thor chimed in.

"Your- brother... Loki?" I began to panic a little. 

"That would be him. That bastard." Clint chimed in and a snort from tony followed.

Thor glared at clint.

"I mean- That- greasy felon of a man..prince?..." clint shrugged as he tried to correct himself.

"Bozhe moi..." Nat sighed at clints antics.

"Ok, Thats a topic for another time-" fury started but i cut in.

"Another time? Isnt loki the same man who attacked new york? The same man who nearly killed you? The man who actually KILLED my only family?"

Everyone went silent and looked at fury expectantly.

"That brings the question... why the actual hell is greasy still here, Also why is he allowed to relax in the common room?" Tony questioned fury.

Fury and Thor glanced at each other and remained silent.

"OK... Well Davina's problem is on hold for now since shes safe with us. Fury What is going on?" clint pushed.

"What arent you telling us?" cap firmly asked.

"Well dont all ambush at once." fury snorted. "Shield and the gods have made an arrangement in order to get loki to help us." fury looked to thor, "Take it away Odinson."

Thor awkwardly cleared his throat, "Loki will be staying with us as-"

Everyone erupted in chaos.

Loki. Is staying here. With the avengers....the people i need to stay with to stay safe...

"QUIET!" Fury ordered. "Let the God speak so we can all leave."

Everyone settled down with a few more mumbled curses.

"As I was saying previously- Loki will be staying with us as part of a deal i made with my father to allow him to be released. I had told loki he would be allowed to go back to Asgard but that was only to bribe him to help. By Odins word- Loki must stay here for the remainder of his sentence." thor finished.

"Thats a load of bullsh- OW!"  Nat elbowed Clint before he could finish the sentence.

"Does this mean i need to buy food for him. What does he even eat? Does he have all his shots already?" Tony rambled.

"I dont understand?" thor was very confused.

"Tony...Hes not an animal." cap said.

"Well he better not ruin the floors or your paying for it rogers." with that tony left the room.

"Is this what its like living here?" i said nervously.

Nat came over and put a hand on my shoulder, "Sadly...yes... we're a- dysfunctional bunch."

"Oh joy."

Pure // Loki + Avengers // book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora