Chapter 4. The Hunt

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Today was her sisters funeral- It was small and private, not many people attended. There were three of Rachel's friends who actually attended - they were her only true friends. Davina didn't say anything besides 'thanks for attending'. It wasn't that she didn't like them or was being rude, but she got strong negative vibes from them, and something was telling her to keep a distance. Davina didn't notice she was changing, that her powers were growing everyday. Rachel's death awakened something in Davina that would lead her into a potentially dangerous path.


Five days later, Davina stood there alone looking at Rachel's tombstone - beloved sister and daughter - it read. Davina gave a small smile as she read it. Davina thought the world of her sister, she wanted it to say more but, the stone maker said it had to be short.

"Hey sis. It's me, your boring sister here." She spoke as tears pooled in her eyes. She chuckled as she wiped her eyes with one hand. " I just wanted you to know, I'm going on that trip. As much as I would love to stay home, watch movies, and read... I know you would probably haunt me and drag my soul to London if I don't go." She laughed.

"I remember you said, 'when we're in London, we're gonna find you a cute guy with an accent.' And I just argued that I didn't need a guy, but you refused and said 'yes you do, and no lousy American boy is gonna get my approval to date you.' - and although I'm not going to be flirting with Londoners, I promise I will attempt to socialize." She shook her head and took a deep breath.

"It gonna be weird without you - you know? No more getting you out of trouble, giving advice - well besides my job - you know what I'm trying to say -" Davina sighed. "I'm gonna miss my little demon child of a sister, I love you sis." Davina took a step up and leaned down to lay a white rose on Rachel's grave. "I know you hate red roses, so here's a white rose - even though I know you love black ones. I just thought bringing a black rose might make people think I hate you... I'll visit again when I get back, I promise."

Davina turned around and walked to her car - looking back one last time before getting in. She had her suitcase and carry on in the back. Her flight was in the evening and she was already running late.

She sat in the drivers seat with her hands on the steering wheel. The only sound was of the air coming from the vents in the car. The silence was deafening - with no thoughts flowing in her head. She took one deep breath before heading for the airport.

The Avengers

"So What I'm hearing, is a team of heroes just let a potentially powerful girl leave the country." Fury states. He gave them a deadly glare clearly disappointed with them. "She could become the next Loki for all we know." He states.

"Watch how you speak." Thor warned. "She is not a threat." He defended.

"How do you know?" Fury questioned the god.

"Her energy was protecting her, and it didn't hurt me or any of the team, just the enemy." Thor explained.

"What about you agent Romanoff? How did you feel about her?" Fury Asked the red head sitting at the need of the table.

"She seemed like a harmless, kind, and a pretty stable woman. I didn't see any threat sir." She spoke professionally.

"How about you dr. Banner?" Fury looked sternly to Bruce.

"Well, Uh, from what Thor has said, she had a golden aura. Based on my research, a golden aura means divine protection and guidance and also means the person is being guided by their highest 'good'. If this is true then, I don't see how she could be a threat." He explained.

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