Chapter 9. Loki.

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This was all so new.

Moving in.

Living with heros, legends, Gods, and assassins.

And to add to that.. im just a therapist.

I looked around my new room that Tony had moved me into. It was big and fully furnished. Honestly, it was better than my place... it just... wasn' home. But, it was comfortable, and it was safe. That's all i could ask for.

"How are you doing Davina?" a voice startled my from my thoughts.

I turned to see Steve in the doorway. I took a deep breath, "I'm... I'm adjusting." i gave a tight smile.

He gave an understanding nod and we stood in silence.

"You know Davina... if you ever need anything or need to talk- we're all here for you."

I chuckled and looked away for a second before responding, "Usually i'm the one saying that."

"All i'm saying Davina is that- you're part of this family now. Even therapists need someone to be there at their lowest." he walked in and stood.

I tried not to tear up when he said that.


My life really did take a 180 turn. Going from losing everyone, to gaining another family in a span of a week or so.Except now- my life is somehow at risk and this family is my shield- no pun intended.

I swallowed my tears and nodded.

"Now, why don't you get comfortable and when ever you're ready, you can meet us in the living area." he said walking out.

"Yeah..ok, ill see you all there soon ." i gave a curt nod and closed my door.

I took a breath and changed into some sweats and a black tee. I washed my face and took some breaths... being in a bathroom started to trigger my ptsd from the hotel. I gripped the counter and closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I quickly dried my face and started to make my way down to the group.


"Hey glad you could make it." Natasha came up to me. "Now you can save me from being the only female here." she laughed.

"Oh whatever nat, you still have bruce." clint pointed.

"Hey..." bruce whined from the far end of the room.

I could get used to them. They really did act like brothers and sisters. I could feel myself genuinely smiling at their antics.

"What?" clint half turned on the couch towards bruce.

"Im not-" bruce started.

"Yes you are." tony interrupted

They all continued to bicker till they all fell silent.

"My friends! How do you all fare this evening?" Thor strode in patting tony on the back while loki followed rolling his eyes.

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Everyone shifted awkwardly.

I met loki's eyes and part of me wanted to run and look away. But another part wanted to never break eye contact - Almost like when a spider is in your room you want to always make sure you never lose sight of it.

It felt like his eyes searched your soul for your deepest secrets. It felt unsettling and gave me a slight ache in my head. I blinked the ache away and shook my head. The pain soon subsided and glanced at loki again who this time looked confused and slightly shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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