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The streets of Paris were overflowing with a sea of people, all going about their daily business. The sun was shining and the overall atmosphere was cheerful and friendly. Everyone was far too busy to notice the young girl lurking near an alleyway off of the square, so no one batted an eyelid as she discreetly grabbed an apple from a nearby fruit stall. She moved a little further away from the watchful eyes of the owner, and bit into the juicy fruit, savouring her first meal in three days.

As she ate, her eyes never left a small group of young men who stood on the other side of the square, deep in conversation. Among them stood a handsome brunette with beautiful blue eyes and a dazzling smile. He was conversing with a blonde man, and was oblivious to the young girl who watched him from afar.

Éponine finished her apple, still watching the young brunette. At that very moment, he began to walk across the square, still talking to the blonde man. She took a deep breath and slowly made her way towards the pair, waiting for the brunette to notice her. At last they made eye contact, and he smiled and beckoned to her. She grinned and ran up to him.

"'Ponine!" He pulled her into a warm embrace and she relaxed against him, breathing in his scent.

"Bonjour Monsieur Marius," she replied, reluctantly pulling away.

"Where have you been? I have scarcely seen you all week!"

"Business matters, Monsieur. I'm sure you understand." He nodded. "Who is your friend?"

"Ah, of course! This is Enjolras, the leader of the revolution and a good friend of mine. Enjolras, this is my friend Éponine."

Enjolras nodded and said, "it is a pleasure to meet you, Mademoiselle."

"The pleasure is all mine, Monsieur." She curtseyed.

Enjolras laughed and Éponine smiled at him, but inside she felt like crying. Friend. She knew that that was all she would ever be, for Marius was completely blind to her feelings, and knowing this made her heart break.

She longed for him to understand, for him to love her back. To be able to feel his arms around her, to know that she was his. But she knew, deep down, that he would never see her that way, and one day someone would enter his life, setting his soul on fire and pushing Éponine further and further away from a world full of happiness that she could have known.

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