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As Éponine searched for Cosette, the rain continued to fall, turning the streets of Paris into rivers and forcing everyone to retreat to the warmth of their homes. A chorus of jubilant cries could be heard from inside L'ABC Café, where a group of young men were gathered, sharing some wine. However, while most of the group sang and laughed and enjoyed each other's company, one sat alone by the window, watching the steady fall of rain outside, and just thinking.

"I am agog, I am aghast! Is Marius in love at last?" The drunken cry of Grantaire stirred Enjolras from his thoughts, and he turned to look at Marius, who's face was beetroot red. "You talk of battles to be won?" Grantaire continued, addressing Enjolras. "And here he comes like Don Juan! It is better than an opera!"

Enjolras sighed. He knew how Marius must be feeling. The thought of another taking over his mind and making him forget all about this revolution. Enjolras felt his cheeks begin to burn. He had never been one for sentiment, yet whenever he was near a certain brunette gamine, he forgot about everything, his revolution, how to speak, how to walk, and he simply stared into her beautiful brown eyes.

He shook his head and scolded Marius, scoffing at the idea of an opera and reinforcing the aim of the revolution into his friends' inebriated brains.

Suddenly, little Gavroche appeared at the door, and Courfeyrac went to meet him.

"General Lamarque is dead."

The drop of a pin could have been heard in the room at that moment. Everyone knew exactly what the death of Lamarque, the people's man, meant. Revolution.

Enjolras stood and said, "On his funeral day they will honour his name, with the light of rebellion ablaze in their eyes. With their candles of grief we will kindle our flame. On the tomb of Lamarque shall our barricade rise!"

His speech was met by excited cheers, but Enjolras could sense the fear in his friend's hearts. He knew that he could not guarantee their lives, he knew there was a possibility that many of them would die in the revolution. But they had to take that chance.

At that moment, Marius rushed past Enjolras, knocking into him. The blonde turned to glare at him, but instead his eyes fell upon a familiar brunette. He blushed, and his heart beat faster, but she barely noticed him as she led Marius out of the café. Enjolras hurried to the window, watching Éponine as she walked, wishing she knew how he felt.

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