To the barricade!

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Enjolras lead everyone to the a secure corner of the square, hidden behind the vast walls of L'ABC Café and surrounding houses.

"We need as much furniture as you can throw down!" Courfeyrac's instruction was followed by the CRASH and CRUNCH of furniture breaking as it hit the pavement, and Les Amis began to arrange it to create a strong barricade.

"I need a volunteer! Someone who can find out their plan, and when they will attack!" Enjolras called to all those nearest him. A man the blonde didn't recognise offered to go, claiming to have fought for the army in his youth. Enjolras hesitated for a second, but Combeferre said, "seeing the people unite?" And the leader nodded, "I pray you're right."

The barricade was finally finished, and Enjolras gathered everyone together to make his speech.

"Red, the blood of angry men!

Black, the dark of ages past!

Red, a world about to dawn!

Black, the night that ends at last!"


"He's back!" Combeferre yelled, making Enjolras jump.

Bahorel and Feuilly went to let the volunteer in, and he told them what he knew.

"I have overheard their plans. There will be no attack tonight. They intend to starve you out, before they start a proper fight. Concentrate their force, hit us when it's light."

"LIAR!" Gavroche spat, making everyone turn to him. "Good evening dear Inspector, lovely evening my dear."

Enjolras realised almost too late that the volunteer was escaping, but Courfeyrac and Jehan managed to grab hold of him before he got too far. They tied him up in the Café and turned to leave, but suddenly Enjolras stopped. He motioned for the others to be silent and he listened carefully. Everyone could now hear the sound of marching getting ever closer.

The army was coming.

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