"I Love You"

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A/N - Last chapter!!!!! *sobs* thanks for all of the support on this story - I really appreciate it. Anyway, hope you enjoy it! :-)

Éponine awoke the next morning, a sense of peace filling her as she looked up at the now clear sky. She was soaked through from the downpour last night, but she didn't mind. She liked the rain.

As she walked over to where Marius was, she heard him say, "the rain has damaged our gunpowder. We're low on ammunition."

"We're the only barricade left." Enjolras butted in, and everyone stopped whatever they were doing. "The people have not stirred. We've been abandoned by those who still live in fear. Let all those who wish to, go from here."

Éponine stood near the barricade, looking around at the rest of the Amis. She certainly wasn't going anywhere. She wanted to fight for the gamins, to help her people, to show support for the greatest cause in Paris. And she was stunned to see that a few of the Amis' faces looked unsure. Gavroche suddenly appeared next to her, and started singing.

"Do you hear the people sing?

Singing the songs of angry men..."

Éponine joined in, and Gavroche grinned at her.

"It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again..."

Gradually, the rest of the Amis also joined in, and they all readied their guns and took their places on the barricade.

"When the beating of your heart,

Echoes the beating of the drums,

There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!"

"Good work, Gav!" Éponine laughed as she gave her brother a high five.

He grinned and ran over to where Marius and Enjolras were speaking.

Éponine faintly heard Enjolras say, "there might be extra ammunition on the dead soldiers..." She immediately began to search the barricade for any French soldiers, and carefully extracted any gunpowder she found, passing it down the barricade to Marius.

She didn't notice Combeferre frantically climbing the barricade and hissing, "Gavroche! Come back!" She didn't hear Courfeyrac crying as he rushed around the side of the barricade, hiding behind a pillar and beckoning for Gavroche to come over. But she DID recognise the song her brother sang as he walked between the dead soldiers, picking up ammunition.

"Little people know, when little people fight,

We may look easy pickings, but we got some bite!"

Éponine jumped as the first shot rang out, and sprinted up the barricade. She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw that Gavroche was unhurt, but straight away she yelled, "Gavroche! Get back!" no longer caring if any of the Amis recognised her.

He turned around and grinned at her, as if to say he had it all under control.

"So never kick a dog, because he's just a pup!" Another shot.

"We'll fight like twenty armies, and we won't give up!" A third shot, and this time, Éponine gasped and leapt to her feet as she saw her brother fall to the ground. She began to descend the barricade, hoping and praying he was still alive, but a second later he popped his head back up and carried on singing. Éponine did not stop moving towards him though, all the time whispering, "Gavroche!" Willing him to turn and come back. The rest of the barricade was now in chaos, all of the Amis holding back Enjolras and Courfeyrac, who were desperately trying to get to Gavroche.

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