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The day of General Lamarque's funeral was a sunny one. Many people, rich and poor, gathered on the streets to pay their respects to the people's man. And right at the front of the crowds, slightly spread out but looking carefully for the signal from their leader, stood Les Amis de L'ABC.

Grantaire was searching the crowd for those who may join them at the barricade, but he always kept half an eye on Enjolras. As he scanned the sea of people, his eyes landed on a small gamin dressed all in rags and with a hat atop his head. He looked oddly familiar, and, like Gavroche, much too young to be a part of the revolution. Grantaire was a sensible man (on those rare occasions when he was sober) and he knew he should talk to this boy and attempt to dissuade him from taking part.

"Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men..." Enjolras began to sing and all of Les Amis joined in. Gradually, more and more of the crowd also started to take part, and soon enough, Enjolras and Marius leapt atop the hearse, waving their flags and rallying the people. Grantaire watched the boy in the hat run towards the hearse and grab hold. He followed, grabbing a particularly smelly bunch of flowers just behind the boy.

"Go home boy," he said bluntly, making the boy jump. His hat fell off his head, revealing a mess of long brown hair. "Éponine? What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to fight," she explained, putting her hat back on.


"Please 'Taire! I couldn't just sit at home while this was going on! I have to be here to make sure that..."

"That Marius is alright." Grantaire understood. Of course Éponine was not here selfishly. She was here because she wanted to protect Marius. But Grantaire didn't want her to die either.

"You could stay, but Enjolras..."

"What has he got to do with it?"

"He..." Grantaire couldn't tell Éponine how Enjolras felt. He was the only one who knew, and he had to let Enjolras tell everyone else when he was ready. "You're right. Fight if you want, but be careful!"

Éponine grinned.

"Thank you 'Taire!" She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and turned back to the hearse.

At that very moment, everyone stopped singing. However, the army continued to advance, more and more of them drawing their guns and aiming at the people surrounding the hearse.

A gunshot fired, and Grantaire looked at Enjolras and Marius in panic. Both were also looking to where the shot had hit.

"She's an innocent woman!" Jehan yelled, causing complete chaos. People were running around screaming, the army's horses were galloping everywhere, and Les Amis were gathering around Enjolras and Marius and drawing their own guns. Enjolras yelled, "TO THE BARRICADE!" And that was it.

The revolution had begun.

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