The Power Of Love

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Hey guys! This is my first fan-fiction so I dont know how this will turn out. This is the first chapter, I hope you like it!

 Chapter 1 

“Don’t you think you are overreacting? Its not what it seems like!” He said with a stressful voice. “So you are not playing hide-and-seek naked?” I looked at him with a harsh look. “Well… I wasn’t playing hide-and-seek if that helps” He looked at me with his big brown eyes, like he thought he could win me over with the flirtatious and goofy look.  “NO! It doesn’t help; it makes it ten times worse. What did you do with another woman, naked? Are you cheating on me?!” I said with tears in my eyes.

“Cheating on you?” He grabbed me by my waist, and looked me deeply in the eyes. “Daisy… How could I ever cheat, when I have a girlfriend like you? You are amazingly beautiful, incredibly goofy and almost THE ONLY PERSON who can cope with me, and… I love you” My heart filled with joy and my eyes with tears. “I love you too” I said, leaning into a kiss.  He gladly but nervously returned the kiss, our tongues melted together and it almost felt like I was in heaven… Then I woke up.

Why do I keep having these dreams? I know his dead, but it still feels real, his lips on mine, him saying “I love you” I know he existed and I know that he died… But why? Now it’s no one left for me, my only lover, my only friend is dead… Now I’m all alone.

I remember the first time I saw him, he was just like the others  said… This tall, goofy and amazing man.  I still smile thinking of all the things we did together, all the memories we made. That’s the thing that keeps me going and still keeps him alive… His memories and knowing that he died a hero. Well… He was always a hero; he was the savior of so many worlds. They’re still singing his songs, but the original song has ended. Now it’s just copies.  My life changed as soon as he stepped out of his stupid old blue police box. Why did he do that? Why did I have to be rescued by that awfully amazing man? It’s not his fault, I don’t blame him. It was my fault. He told me to stay inside the TARDIS.  But as usual I got bored, I even went swimming in the swimming pool and I read out three books, but that clearly wasn’t enough. As soon as I stepped out of the TARDIS, guns were pointed right to my face… The Daleks.. The bloody Daleks!

“DAISY!” I heard him shout of the top his lungs… I looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen. “You are the doctors companion, you will come with us” the Dalek said with its robotic voice. “Oh yeah? What happens if I choose not to?” I said bravely.  The Dalek answered with no hesitation “Then you will die” Suddenly I got the urge to duck, so I did. The Dalek exploded and someone grabbed my hand “run” the man said. I looked at him, he was no one that I recognized. He ran to the TARDIS and dragged me in. “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? WHERES THE DOCTOR?!” I shouted knowing that something was wrong.  The man stood there, just looking at me. I saw the sadness in his eyes, preparing for whatever he was going to say. “My name Is Captain Jack Harkness, I was one of the Doctor's friends. “ I looked at him , and he looked at me. I scanned him for anything that would give me a clue of what happened to The Doctor. “Hi Jack, I’m Daisy… I’ve never heard of you, maybe that’s why you were one of his friends and are not one of them now.” He looked disappointed. “Daisy… I think you should sit down.” It felt like someone had just stabbed me. The room started spinning, and then it all became black. “I love you…” Jack said.  I woke up, my head pounding. “excuse me?” I looked at him with a confused look.  He was holding my hand, and rubbing my back… “His last words… It was; Daisy… I love you.” Tears started streaming down my face… Jack caressed my cheeks and dragged me into a hug. I started to cry my eyes out. Really? I thought to myself… Is he really gone? I started doubting that he ever existed and thought that it was all just a dream. “I should’ve stayed in the TARDIS, like he said. It’s my fault that he died. He's dead, and it’s all my fault.” I started screaming out. “Daisy…” Jack looked at me. “I know how you feel, but outside its tens of thousands of Daleks ready to attack. I have to go, the TARDIS will send you home. Im so sorry”

Oh god how it hurt.  It hurt so much, knowing that Daisy would never see me again. Well not this version of me. Wait… I forgot to tell her, she thinks I’m actually dead. I didn’t tell her… GOD! Why didn’t I tell her? I thought to myself. What a complete idiot I am. The thoughts just ran through my head… The TARDIS had already brought her back to earth and back to her right time, well hopefully she did. It had already started. My body was now filled with regeneration energy and my hearts were filled with sorrow. “I don’t want to go” I said while a tear ran down my cheek.

Jack came running to me. “Doctor? Are you with me?” I looked at the injured man in front of me.  I nodded, feeling up and down my new body. “Hell no… Am I girl?” I asked him while I was fixing my hair. “No Doctor, you’re definitely not a girl, you’re quite a sexy man.” He grinned.  “Oh why thank you Jack, but stop flirting with me, I have girlfriend” I said as my hearts broke.  “Who… Thinks I’m dead…” I looked down at my feet. Jack dragged me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek. “Doctor, you’re the smartest alien in the universe, but sometimes you’re the dumbest man I’ve ever known.” He said laughing. I looked at him with an offended look. “Hey, don’t look at me like that, it’s true.  Why don’t you just go back to earth to her time, and tell her... Hey I’m not dead, I just changed my body?” Jack scanned me inch by inch, biting his lip “Well… If that doesn’t work, you know where to find me. See you later Doctor!” He said while running off.  He was right. I could just go back to earth and tell her… It wouldn’t be too hard, would it? 


 I felt completely and utterly broken. Its been weeks since I saw the doctor last, I was just sitting there, like nothing ever mattered anymore and feeling empty inside, My parents were very concerned about me , and I kind of felt bad for them. But I couldn't help myself to care enough, now that the Doctor was gone.. forever. Because, it wasn't just the fact that he was gone, or that he was out of my life. It was the fact that he was... dead. I whispered the last word, tasted it carefully on my tongue. I felt sick in the second as I said it. He couldn't be dead, could he? Like he was the doctor for god sake. He always survived. He was a winner, a man everybody who met him ended up lookin up to and be facinated about. And nobody could blame someone for being enchanted by him. I remember the first time I met him. It was on a airport, actually. My family and I  were  supposed to travel to Australia, and be there for two weeks. However, our plane got delayed, and the security wouldn't tell people why, they just told us to stay patient and then we would be in Australia very soon.

It turned out, the airport had gotten a serious threat from aliens, and that the security hadn't told us because they didn't want people to panic. The thing was that nothing was under control, and the doctor actually saved them all. It was a long story, and I would prefered not to think about that night, because Ive never been so afraid as I was then. After everything was over, and all that was to hear was soft crying and ambulances, The Doctor just walked right to me, asked me if I was alright, and what my name was.

I felt something right away when he talked to me, that it was something truly special about him, something that I couldn't explain. We talked for an hour, and then The Doctor took a look on his watch, and said that it was late, and that I should get home and try to relax a bit. "I promise you will se me again, Daisy" He said, and smiled so big that  I could cleraly she how white his teeth was. And then, he run away from me. I had the dreams again. . I wasn't aware of the time anymore, it could have been 5 am in the morning, or 12 pm at noon for what I cared . It was 4.07 pm. I could feel a huge lump in my troath, like I was about to cry. Maybe I was. I hadn't really let myselff cry after I had gotten the message about the doctor's death . But now, so far gone in the memory of the first time I met him, feeling so alone and broken, I just gave in to my feelings and begin to sob. It lasted for hours, until I was so exausted from the crying. I was still sad. Sader than ever actually, crying hadn't really helped. (Wasn't that what doctors said, that crying was supposed to make it all better?)

Suddenly I heard a well to familiar noise, far , far away and it got closer and closer every minute. IT WAS THE TARDIS. I could feel my heart skip a beat, suddenly I felt all hot and HAPPY. A feeling I hadn't felt in weeks. But no.. the doctor was dead. This couldn't be. It had to be an mistake? I had to be going crazy. That was it. I missed the doctor so much, that  I  started to have hallunications. 

The power of loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora