Chapter 5

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"You are amazing" I said quietly looking over to The Doctor. He was asleep, I looked at his chest moving slowly up and down, he was so beautifu laying there so peaceful... I loved seeing him like that. I suddenly remembered the shiny object I found on Gallifrey. I quietly but quickly moved out of the bed walking slowly towards my clothes who were scattered around the room. I finally found my jacket which was under the Doctors shirt. My fingers started itching, wanting to take a grab of the object I found. I took a look at it... It was a fob watch, a beautiful watch with a gallifreyan sign on it. It starting to burn in my hands and I thought I heard voices coming from the watch. I opened it, and then it all came back to me... I WAS A TIMELORD!

Daisys point of view.

My head was spinning, all the memories came back... Me playing on the fields of Gallifrey, growing up, the Time War, it wa all coming back. I suddenly felt my hearts beat... I had to hearts now, well I always had two hearts but I couldnt feel them anymore... I was a Time Lord, a real proper Time Lord. My name, I wasnt Daisy... Well it was, but still it wasnt. My name was not Daisy Williams, it was The Artist, what a silly name... Calling myself The Artist why would I do that? Oh, no I rembember, I was the lord of music, and a star back at Gallifrey. I looked over to the Doctor... He was still sleeping. If I was a Time Lord shouldnt he had noticed in someway? Oh God... My parents, what will day say when they find out that im an alien... Wait, if Im alien, that means theyre aliens too, they are also Time Lords! Wait yet another minute... Oh god I think too much, I dont have parents, they died in the Time War, and so should I have done.. Why am I alive? My head kept spinning and my knees felt week, I fell to the ground waking up the Doctor.  "Daisy are you alright?" He ran out of bed, quickly realising that he wasnt wearing any clothes. He grabbed his pants and took them on before running to me. "Oh, your pants is more important than me?" I asked while laughing. "Hey... Im a bit of a shy guy." He laughed back... Just as I was about to say something the Doctor discovered the fob watch. "Is this what you found on Gallifrey?" He said with a serious look on his face. I slowly nodded, not knowing what I was going to say. "This is a Fob Watch, which Time Lords use to store their memory in when they are going undercover or dont want to be discovered... What were you thinking, when you took it? A Time Lord will now never know that he is a Time Lord." I quickly corrected him "SHE... She will never know that she is a Time Lord"

The Doctor took a few steps back, leaning against the wall... I could hear our heartbeats synchronize, God how I loved that sound. "Listen... I didnt know, and I still dont know yet." I took a hold of his hand, gently stroking it. "But that means..." He couldnt finish his sentence. "I know..." He took his hand and placed it in mine, staring at me with an intence look on his face. I saw the pain in his eyes, and the tears who started to stream down his face. "Im so sorry... There was nothing I could do, Im so very sorry." He cried out. I looked at him while giving him a faint smile. I lifted up his chin, and gave him a gentle kiss. "You did what you thought was right, thats what matters" He looked at me with his beautiful green eyes, quietly saying thank you. I just let him cry, but at the same time, I felt kinda sorry for myself too... My planet was gone, he was the one who destroyed it. I kinda felt cross with him, but still I loved him. My hearts where overpowering the mind, and I was glad it did. I looked over at him, he was still sad, but he wasnt crying anymore. I thought he wouldnt be an emotional person, but I guess he had changed in that way too. "Daisy, lets take you home." The Doctor suddenly said.

I was in shock... Did he just tell me to go home? After all we had just done and just found out. What a complete moron, an idiot, an asshole! My rage started to build up, and before I could do anything about it, I started shouting at him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! I am not your fun toy, im not a hooker. I am a Time Lord, my home  is Gallifrey, that YOU destroyed and killed." I quikly regretted the thing I said. "I KNOW WHAT I DID WAS WRONG, YOU DONT NEED TO REMIND ME ALL THE BLOODY TIME!" He shouted back. I had never seen The Doctor this angry and heartbroken. But I was right, Gallifrey was my home, not Earth... But I still wondered how I had gotten here, those memories was still not back.

The Doctors point of view.

I could not believe what Daisy had just said... Was Daisy even her real name? She was a Time Lord, I found another of my kind, that I killed. Why wasnt she dead? Who saved her? The only one who survived except me was The Master.... And he died, and came back from the dead and died again... So he wasnt in the picture anymore. I was so cross with her, why didnt she tell me? Well... Maybe because she didnt remember herself and who she was. I was thick, I was really thick and idiotic sometimes, but my mind was already set... She was going back to earth... I couldnt let her stay with me, it was too dangerous. I couldnt risk another Time Lord's life. She was worth so much more... And I didnt deserve her. I looked over at her, knowing that this would be the last time I saw her... I figured out I should take her on one last trip. I started fiddling around with the settings and the TARDIS started to fly through time and space... After a while she finally landed at our final destination... Norway.

I took a grip of Daisys hand, but she quikly refused my offer to hold hands.I stepped out of the TARDIS, then it all came back to me, we were at Dårlig Ulv Stranden or Bad Wolf Bay where I last saw Rose. "Why are we in Norway?" Daisy asked me. "I was suppose to take you to the city of Bergen, but we landed a little bit off. We are about 10 miles from the city. She suddenly got this big smile on her face, I was standing there like a complete idiot not knowing what she was smiling about. "Close your eyes." She said. As the gentleman I was, I did what I was told... Suddenly I felt a screaming pain in my nose. SHE PUNCHED ME! "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" I shouted at her. She slapped me, while fighting off tears. "You took me to Bad Wolf Bay, where you last saw your ex-girlfriend? AND you are sending me home for no bloody reason at all?! So thats the reason why I punched you!" She screamed back. Then... It came to me... "Alright, just stop hitting me! I wont send you away, and we can get out of here... I just thought this would be cute..." I said trying to be cute. She looked at me like I had two heads. "Cute?!" She shouted "How the hell would brining your soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend to you and your ex-girlfriends special little place?!" Wait a minute, did she just say what I think she said? "Hold on... What do you mean with soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend? I thought I was the love of your life" She looked sad, sadder than usual. " I cant live with a man, who sends the only person who can cope with him away, I love you Doctor, I really do... But I like traveling the universe, I like to live a little, not just sit around at home... And if I cant do that with you, I guess I need to find another way... Without you. You can take me home, but if you do... Know that this relationship is over... We are over." When those words came out of her mouth, it felt like someone had just stabbed me... My hearts were pounding, and I felt tears streaming down my face, but my mind was set... If I was suppose to protect her, I had to leave her back, she couldnt stay with me, and if that meant we couldnt be together anymore so be it... "Ok...Lets go home." I said running into the TARDIS. Daisy just stood there... Not moving an inch, with her mouth hanging open and tears streaming down her face. I noticed her hearts were beating a litte bit slower... Almost like she was dying inside. She slowly recovered and stepped inside, while she was trying to avoid eye contact. I started fiddling with the TARDIS console and then she sent us home.... I looked over at Daisy, knowing that this would be the last time I would ever see her again, and that broke my hearts...I loved her, but I wouldnt risk her life, because my life without her wouldnt be a life worth living. She didnt even say anything as she walked out the TARDIS door, I quikly grabbed her arm, kissing her for the last time... She kissed me back, but this time it was different, the kiss wasnt filled with love, it was filled with hatred. "Have a good life Doctor... But know this... I HATE YOU!" She ran into her house, and slammed the door, and I slowly closed the TARDIS door... "Good bye my love..." I whispered while a tear fell down on my shirt..

Aaand that my good friends was chapter 5... Sorry it took so long, but I had a little difficulties with writing this chapter. Please leave a like and tell me what you think!

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