Chapter 6

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 If I was suppose to protect her, I had to leave her back, she couldnt stay with me, and if that meant we couldnt be together anymore so be it... "Ok...Lets go home." I said running into the TARDIS. Daisy just stood there... Not moving an inch, with her mouth hanging open and tears streaming down her face. I noticed her hearts were beating a litte bit slower... Almost like she was dying inside. She slowly recovered and stepped inside, while she was trying to avoid eye contact. I started fiddling with the TARDIS console and then she sent us home.... I looked over at Daisy, knowing that this would be the last time I would ever see her again, and that broke my hearts...I loved her, but I wouldnt risk her life, because my life without her wouldnt be a life worth living. She didnt even say anything as she walked out the TARDIS door, I quikly grabbed her arm, kissing her for the last time... She kissed me back, but this time it was different, the kiss wasnt filled with love, it was filled with hatred. "Have a good life Doctor... But know this... I HATE YOU!" She ran into her house, and slammed the door, and I slowly closed the TARDIS door... "Good bye my love..." I whispered while a tear fell down on my shirt..

Daisys point of view.

Its been 3 weeks since I last saw The Doctor... My hearts were broken, and so was my soul. He had just left me, knowing that we were over if he did. Maybe it was for the best, maybe he didnt love me at all. I tastet that sentence on my tongue, it burned... I regreted the last thing I said to him.. I didnt hate him, I hated the fact that he didnt love me enough to stay with me. But like my friend said: Love is like wanting to touch a star. You know you cant reach it, but you just keep trying. I actually reached a star ,with the Doctor, well thats what I thought... But I was not going to give up. Life was so hard without him... I tried to build a TARDIS by myself, but since I was stuck on earth, I didnt have the equipment I needed. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door... My hearts were pounding, hoping that The Doctor had changed his mind and come back. I opened the door and in front of me stood this tall, dark and beautiful man. "Hello, Im Jesse Evans, I just moved in right beside you." He shook my hand. "Im Daisy Williams, nice to meet you. Would you like to come in?" I asked with a huge smile on my face. He gladly accepted the offer and stepped inside. We talked for hours, it was nice, getting my thoughts away from The Doctor. "Do you want to go out to eat? With me?" He nervously asked. I smiled and nodded. "I know just the place!" I said with a smile on my face. We walked down the street to my favourite restaurant "Bella Italia". It was starting to rain, so we ran inside. The waiter greeted us and sat us down at our table. "I already know what I want" I said. He raised an eyebrow, looking impressed. "Why do you have that look on your face?" I asked. "Well, I like a woman who knows what she wants, and is quick to deside. I think I like you."

I suddenly remembered The Doctor, and I felt guilty going on a date only 3 weeks after we broke up but sometimes you have to forget what you want, to remember what you deserve.. And I deserved to find true love. "I like you too, you seem like a genuine and nice guy." He took my hand, stroking gently. Suddenly I felt a pain in my stomach, not knowing what to do I huddeled myself together, while pressing on my stomach. "I need to go!" I said. I took my things and almost ran to my house. Right in the moment I went through my front door, I stated throwing up, and I felt horrible. Its like someone told me that it was wrong, the thing I felt, but I knew it wasnt that, I knew what was really going on... I was pregnant. I used my Time Lord hearing to listen... It was quiet, I could only hear my own heart beats, but suddenly I heard four more... It was confirmed... I was having a baby.

The guilt started flowing, what was I going to do? My instinct told me to call the Doctor, but knowing that he had children before, he couldnt care, so my mind told me not do it. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. It was Jesse. "Daisy are you alright? I payed for our meal, and I would take you out another time, when youre not sick!" I slowly opened the door. "Wow, you dont look too good, here... Why wont you lay down on the couch, and I'll dry up and wash the floor." He stepped inside, and layed me down on the couch... Then he started washing my apartment. "You really dont need to do that you know, I can do it by myself." He looked at me and smile "Well... You showed me to the best restaurant in town, so this is the least I could do." It was nice knowing that someone cared about me. "Jesse?" I said nervously. He looked at me with his big beautiful eyes. "Im not sick... Im pregnant" I said while trying to avoid eye contact.

"Really?" He stepped up and went over to the couch I was laying on. "Whos the father?" He asked. "Well... Its not you, knowing that we just met... His name is... Well its not important, because he is not in the picture anymore." He smiled and touched my belly. "Well if you want, I will be here for you and support you, I know that we just met, but I feel a connection between us, like this is meant to be." I felt like I was on cloud nine, he really cared about me... Like someone else didnt do. Possably he could be the man of my dreams.

The Doctors point of view.

The beautiful world of Gallifrey haunted me, memories were flowing back... The memories that me and Daisy made together. I missed her so much, but if I were suppose to protect her, I had to forget her.... But, there was something bothering me... A deep feeling inside of me, telling me to go back, because something important is going to happen. "Are we going back?" I asked the TARDIS, running around and fiddling with the control panel, playing with the different levers, and setting my new destination... Earth, England, London, 2014... To Daisys house.

After flying through the Universe for a while, I finally landed. I was so nervous, not knowing why I was going back... But there was something calling for me, something really important. I slowly walked toward Daisys house. I could hear laughter, it was good hearing her be happy... I knocked three times on the door. "knock, knock, knock", suddenly the laughter stopped and I could footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly straitened my bow tie and fixed my hair... But to my surprise its wasnt Daisy who opened the door... It was man, and unknown, never-been-seen-before man. He was quite tall, and was weaing dark clothes.. "Can I help you?" The man asked. I quikly to my senses and pulled myself together. "Ehm.. Im here to see Daisy, who are you?" I asked. He looked confused, and slowly closed the door and went inside. I was speechless, that the unknown man, just slammed the door right in my face.

After a few minutes, Daisy stepped out from the house. "DOCTOR?" She almost shouted. "Hello Daisy, can I speak to you under four eyes?" I asked. She nodded and told the man in black to wait inside. She walked to me, and sat down on the porch. "What do you want?" She asked me with a bitter tone. "I came here, because I had a bad feeling, Im sorry that I left you, but I only did it because I wanted you to be safe." I gave her a quick smile. "You wanted me to be safe?! And thats why you left me all alone, with no chance of getting away from this boring and dull life? I bet you didnt even love me." She spit out. I didnt know what to do to make her understand how I really felt about her. "And Doctor?" She asked. "Yes?" I said nervously. "I have something to tell you, you might not like what im going to say and its your choice if  you want to stay or not." I was really nervous because didnt know where she was going with this... "You know, when you left, you broke my hearts... But I forgot all about it, when I met this amazing guy... The guy you met right now. He makes me happy and he cares about me and he isnt afraid to show it. I know that he will never leave me, like you did..." When those words came out from her mouth my hearts sunk... She hated me, and I didnt blame her.. "Daisy, I..." I couldnt finish my sentence before the man in black came running. "Daisy are you ok? Is this man bothering you?" He asked. "Jesse, its ok, we were finished talking." She answered back. "Excuse me? I know when we're finished and that isnt now. We still have a lot to talk about." I said with an angry tone. "Hey, mister, the lady speaks for her self, and if she dont want to talk to you, you are finished talking." I walked up to the man called Jesse, which were about 5 inches taller than me and said: "That lady, is my girlfriend, and she does not belong to you." Suddenly I felt a harsh pain in my nose, he hit me.. I quickly stood up and punched back, suddenly I couldnt control my rage, and all I could see was darkness... But the bad thing about just seeing darkness, is not being able to see who your hitting and to my luck, I manage to hit the one person I loved the most... Daisy. Her head smashed into the ground and suddenly all that we could hear was heavy breathing from us. "What the hell man?! You just hit your so called girlfriend?! Oh my god, shes not even breathing, you may be a murderer of two people right now!" Jesse shouted at me. "Excuse me, it was you who started this bloody fight! And what in the world do you mean by Im a murderer of two people?!" I shouted back. "Shes pregnant you idiot, and she landed on the stumach, and that means that you may have killed her unborn child!" I was stunned, my mouth was hanging open... I was going to be a dad again..." 

And that was chapter 6 guys! Sorry that it took so long, but were going to work faster this time. Hope you guys like it, and its even more surprises to come, so stay tuned!" 

Julie and Maria.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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