! A/N !

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Hello to everyone who has read this story and enjoyed it. I cannot even begin to write a reasonable apology for not updating. Long story short, I began this story on a whim not even knowing if anyone would want me to continue or not. I didn't have an entire plot planned out and I had no clue where I wanted to go with this story.

But recently I noticed SO many people actually appreciated the story and wanted me to continue. So, finally lol, I will be updating VERY soon and that is a promise. Once I figure out all of the kinks in the plot and stuff like that (which won't take too long) I will continue to update.

I would also love for you all to keep commenting! Let me know your likes and dislikes in this story! I am welcoming constructive criticism with open arms.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and I'll talk to you soon!


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