Chapter 1: Things Have Gone Wonderfully Right (Or Horribly Wrong) -Voldemort

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Hello everyone!! I am back!!! And, instead of updating all my other stories, I have a new one for you. Because I can't just work on one story apparently. .-. Anyways, this one's Tomarry, and I hope you like Potter Puppet Pals, because that's apparently what you're getting.

It's not supposed to be crack, but apparently some people saw it as that, but this does have an actual plot and I may or may not get to that eventually, but it does have plot.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave a comment or something, but it's your choice.


July 31, 1980

"Look, James! Twins!"

"I see them, Lily. They're- They're.. beautiful. I love them."

"Me too, James. What should we name them?"

"How about Daniel, for this one?"

"That sounds perfect. And you.."

He felt himself being cradled close by his mother, even if he was unable to open his eyes thanks to the sudden change in light, and his newly-born body.

"..You will be my little Harry."


Hallowe'en, 1981

Lily knew Harry wasn't a normal child. In fact, he was already talking in coherent words at only over a year old, and had been for a while. The baby had also begun walking much sooner than most children would, including his twin brother, Daniel.

She knew the vibrant green of Harry's eyes shouldn't look as all-knowing, or as old as they do. They shouldn't look so distant and cold when Harry zones out, but they do.

She knew Harry shouldn't be able to do any form of magic, but that didn't stop him from summoning things across the room into his hand at a moment's notice, like he'd been doing it for years.

To be completely honest, Harry scared her sometimes. Lily was aware he wasn't just a baby, but they had gone into hiding and there was no way to figure out what exactly was wrong. She knew he wasn't a baby, and sometimes, with his dark green eyes that matched her own, but were still so different, she wondered if Harry was even human.

But, just like Lily had her worries about her son, she was still his mother. And for all the worrying she did, her love for the boy was unconditional. Harry got along with Daniel, who tried to follow Harry and be the second prodigy in the household.

For the most part, Danny, with his fiery red hair and soft brown eyes, was a very quick learner. If Harry learned how to do something, Danny would know the next day.

However, none of this explained why her little Harry was standing in front of his brother's crib, looking rightly determined to protect Danny from the threat in front of them. Harry was supposed to be sleeping soundly in his own crib, like his twin, instead of facing off against the darkest wizard of their time.


Lily was petrified on the ground, unable to move, nor say a word. She had been forgotten as soon as she'd been beaten, luckily not tortured. But, she had a front row seat to the deaths of both her children, and was that not, in it's own way, torture? (Lily would take a thousand Crucios if it meant her kids would live.)

But despite her pleas to the heavens, Harry did not back down from the dark wizard, not that it would help. However, it might save him from being tortured before death.

Until the End of Time [Tomarry]Where stories live. Discover now