Some Humans...

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[From the journals of Hav'el Crocker, mate of RPD Investigator John Crocker]

My cevan, my John, has shown me the positive sides of humanity. But as I learned, humanity was prone to the negative traits of every sentient specie. Just yesterday he was called in on what he told me was an abuse case. He explained to me that sometimes the creators of a child could hurt them, convince themselves that the child deserved it. Convince the child that they deserved it. I have never been more horrified. Back on Hakelo I had heard stories, but the events were never close enough to affect me.

Today my cevan brought a small male child home with him. I could instantly glean from the torn clothes, visible rib cage and pale pallor of his skin, that the child had not been taken care of. From the privacy of the kitchen John informed me that the child's name was Kyle Forest, and was the abuse case he had been called in for yesterday. At first I was confused as to why he would bring Kyle home, but then a thought struck me.

Perhaps we were to care for the child. Foster parents, maybe even adoptive parents. I had read of several situations like that during my studies on human culture. I proposed this to my cevan and a grin appeared on his face. He confirmed my thoughts; we were to care for child until he was grown enough to stand on his own two feet. I tartly informed My John that we would care for him even after then. I took his chuckled amusement in stride.

Currently Kyle rests in the room parallel to ours. The child was apprehensive at first, and of that I understand. Even now he remains hesitant to accept My cevan's and I's affections. Though I hope we will be able to prove to him that we will not abandon or abuse him like his biological creators. I dearly hope.

[Hav'el/cevan - English/bonded or eternal love]

Humans Are Space Orcs - Vol. 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora