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[Alien] How's Technician Jeanne?

[Human] She's uh— she's— passed.

[Alien] Passed?

[Human] She's fades to stardust, is what I mean.

[Alien] Oh. ...How?

[Human] Heartbreak.

[Alien] But isn't that just negative emotions? How could that kill her?

[Human] For a lot of humans, emotions are a core part of us. We feel deeply. So deeply, sometimes, that they imprint on our souls. Most often of which being love.

[Alien] But how can heartbreak return someone to the stars?

[Human] That's the thing. When we fall in love hard enough, the loss of that love is like losing a vital organ. You can't live without it. And when it's heartbreak? At its worst, our mind is so filled with negative emotions that our body can't handle it. Our physical heartstrings snap from the stress.

[Alien] And humans can't live without their hearts.

[Human] No. We can't.

[Alien] Do you... do you think she'll find love where she is now?

[Human] She will. She has to.

[Alien] To her happiness then.

[Human] To her happiness.

Humans Are Space Orcs - Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now