Chapter 2

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"I think you're right Watson" said Oscar. " the only way to get out of here," I start saying " is to find another way out like a fire exit or..." BOOM! suddenly an explosion destroys the door and Oscar goes flying across the room and lays the unconscious. as I run across the room towards him. he wasn't breathing and I started freaking out. suddenly seven ninjas jumped through the broken door and rescued all of of us. I have to say that it was the weirdest thing that has happened to me ever. once we got outside the ninjas told us some very important information. "The president of a new town has told the world that he has created a virus and is going to release it into the world and it is going to destroy everyone on earth and we need your help to save the world. unfortunately you three only have 24 hours to save the world and that was announced 17 hours ago." "what took so long to tell us!?" yelled Joe. "Well it took a while to find you guys because you all are on the go so yeah." "Fine." we all said in sync. as soon as we said that the building blew up.

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