Chapter 4

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Monkey, monkey, monkey. that is all that Joe is thinking about. I am pretty sure that is what he is thinking about because he is jumping up and down saying Oo Oo ah ah. So stupid but this is Joe we are talking about. as Oscar and me talk about what it could be. we still keep in mind what Joe said and discuss that.

After a while Joe pipes up and yells bananas. yes he has finally gone bananas. this could be good or bad but before he could get out of where he is sitting the glowing green egg thing exploded. as it exploded strange glowing green goo went all over Joe and he started screaming in pain. we tried to get the goo off him but we were too late. we could already see his bones and his skin was burning off. we started backing away slowly in disgust. he was yelling as loud as he could yelling, "IT BURNS. HELP ME SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!" after that the rest of him was eaten up and I just stared at the pile of bones and shook my head. as usual he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and this time something bad actually happened to him. poor Joe. he was so young, so stupid and so immature. and I couldn't believe he was gone. my life has changed forever. life will never be the same. oh well. that's life.

Sorry that the chapters have been so short. i will put up a vote thing in the comments if you want longer chapters with updates each week or short updates everyday. the decision is yours. The voting is only going for 1 week so get to it.

Yoloman out!

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