Chapter 6

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As we got to the airport and tried to find a plane that one of us could fly I came across a super hornet and decided that it would be fun to fly it around and try to find the evil presidents secret island which we knew were it was. As I called the others I noticed that the keys were still in the ignition so it must have been recently flown. We all got in the plane and started the engine. as we went off the runway the whole airport blew up in an explosion of green goo. we all watched as it all settled and saw lots of piles of bones. this evil president guy was going too far, he had to be stopped.

We were nearly at the not so secret island and the fuel ran out. we started to fall out of the sky and just in the distance we could see the island. I pushed the nose of the plane down and back up to stop stalling. at the speed we were going we should be able to get to the island if we stay at this speed and at this height we should be able to just make it. unfortunately the islands antiaircraft missiles had caught us and one of them hit the tip of the wing. Joe found a switch to send out flares on distract the missiles and also found a switch to a backup fuel tank and we were off. Joe was dodging missiles everywhere. when they realised they couldn't use normal missiles they switched to homing missiles and

That wasn't good. no matter how fast Joe went and how hard he tried to dodge them they were still following behind us. we were reaching the island and we found jet packs under the seats and as we went over the island we jumped out of the plane fell for a while and watched the plane be blown to smithereens. we floated down to the ground and guards were waiting for us and took us away to the jail there and they put us in different cells at complete opposite ends of the jail. this was going to be a whole lot harder than we originally thought.

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