Chapter 7

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As the guard walked away from my jail cell I remembered that I had my phone with me. I tried calling Joe and Oscar but I can't get through because I don't have any signal. we are probably underground. as I looked through the laser field I saw that the control panel for the laser fields were on the wall opposite of my cell. I had an idea.

As the guards walked past all the time I heard that the fields were turned off at night for about five minutes so the generator could rest a little. this did change my plan a little bit but this was even better than my original plan. all i needed to do was stay awake and wait for the field to turn off, get out if the cell and hit the button to open all the cells. simple. Or was it.

Two hours later I heard the cell doors turn off. as I jumped out of bed and ran for the door I found that they had put a chained ball on my leg. as I tried to get it off I heard the lasers start back up so I knew I had to move fast if I was going to make it out I had to move fast. I finally got the chain off me and ran for the door as I jumped out of the cell the laser started back up again. I got up and looked at the laser. I couldn't believe I had gotten out alive. all I needed to now was hit the button and get Joe and Oscar out of their cells. As I hit the button all the alarms in the place went off and people came running out if the cells and guards came running from everywhere. I ran to find Joe and Oscar and found them running to the centre of the jail. As we met up with each other we formed the fastest plan in history but it would take a bit to complete.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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