Chapter 2

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Warning: Language

Ever since (Y/N) started working for the Hollands two weeks ago, Tom could not stop thinking about her. The way she would twirl her hair when she was concentrating, how she would scrunch up her cute nose when making Paddy's schedule, and how she would giggle when someone made a joke. Tom needed a plan to get her to be his because that is all he needed at the moment, so at the moment Tom, Sam, Harry, and Harrison were coming up with a plan to win her over. "Diamonds are a girl's best friend, so maybe you should buy her a jewelry set. Maybe even a new phone with a diamond phone case?" Sam suggests. "That's a great idea. I mean what girl can say no to my charm," Tom says in a cocky manner. "Yeah, she totally didn't turn you down over the past two weeks. You know what else you should do. You should make a gift basket of stuff, but the basket is a Tesla. You can fill the car with a bunch of other expensive stuff," Harry adds while sitting back on the couch. "That worked on Bethany, so it should work on any other girl. Make sure (Y/N) is on the driveway at 7:00 p.m.," Tom states as he runs off to get the whole gift together. Harrison sat on the couch wanting to tell his best friend that this was not going to work, but once Tom got an idea, he would do anything to see it through. That's why he was the son that inherited the company at such a young age.


"What's going on Harrison? Why do I have to go on the drive way? You know it's my alone time right now," (Y/N) complains to Haz. "Would you just be quiet and follow me," Harrison demands. Over the past two weeks (Y/N) and Harrison have become really close friends. Harrison wasn't really like Tom, he partied and slept with women, but not as much as Tom. Plus, he didn't continuously hit on her, so it was easier to have a nice conversation with him. The two walked out of the door and what the young adult saw was a big shock. On the drive way was a nice blue Tesla filled with expensive stuff, like a new phone, a 30K diamond jewelry set, etc. The car had a big bow on it with a banner that said: Are you Cinderella? Cause' I see that dress coming off at midnight. What made it even worse was that Tom stood near the car with a huge smile on his face, him thinking it was a great idea and that this was surely going to get him a date. When Harrison saw the pick-up-line he couldn't help, but feel extremely bad for his best friend. He knew that pick-up-line would normally work on a girl at the club, but he also knew it would not work on (Y/N) or on any girl actually looking for a relationship. Tom, however, did not know that it would not work because he was never really a relationship man. "So what do you say? Would you go on a date with me?" Tom asks as he walks over to (Y/N). He wore an expansive suit and was dressed to the nines, which made (Y/N) feel underdressed and uncomfortable because she has never seen such nice clothes.

"Really, Tom? Why in the world would you think that I would suddenly want to go on a date with you because bought me a bunch of stuff? Buying stuff won't just change your personality. All you are is a rich boy who can't keep it in his pants. I don't want any of it take it back. Who do you think I am, a sugar baby, an escort, or maybe a hooker? Just leave me alone, I am here to do my job!" (Y/N) yells as she storms off again into the mansion. "What did I do wrong?" Tom questions his best friend. "Let's start with the fact that this was never the best idea, then go into the fact that the pick-up-line makes it look like all you want is sex," Harrison explains to his clueless friend. "Well now I need a drink. Let's go to a club," Tom says as he motioned for the maids to get rid of the car and stuff. The two boys got in the car and Tom drove them to the club. All he wanted to do was clear his head.


At the club, Tom drank a lot of beer while Harrison sat at a table making sure he didn't do anything stupid. Harrison wanted to help Tom get (Y/N), he wanted to make him happy, but it was hard when Tom wouldn't listen to anyone with a good idea and when he did not know how a relationship worked. Harrison knew it was a bad idea to be at the club, especially if Tom wanted to lock down only one girl, because when Tom was at a club every girl was attracted to him, like two oppositely charged atoms. Harrison saw a short red headed girl approach Tom, Harrison could have helped Tom, but there was no point. Tom was drunk off his ass and needed to get off, (Y/N) certainly wasn't going to help him with that sort of problem. Before he knew it Harrison was driving home alone while Tom went home with the red head.


The next morning, (Y/N) made her way over to Tom and Harrison's flat in order to get something that Paddy left there. She knocked on the door and found that Harrison was the only person home. "Let me guess, you and Tom went to a club, got really drunk, and then Tom went home with another girl last night," (Y/N) asks her friend. "Yeah, I got Paddy's book on the counter," Harrison replies, handing the book to her. "Well, not a surprised! I just got to go to the bathroom, and I'll get going," (Y/N) tells the man as she goes to the bathroom. Tom walked into his flat and saw Harrison sitting at on the couch on his phone. "That girl last night was really great. Her bj was the absolute best. She completely made me forget about (Y/N). It's really what I needed to get a little relief. Red heads have always been the best," Tom brags as he sits beside Harrison. Harrison knew this was not going to go well and he tried to stop Tom, but the man was not the smartest at the moment. The bathroom door opened and he knew that all hell is going to break loose on Tom.

"I can't believe you! Buy me into going on a date with you, then when I say no, you just go and fuck another girl. Really shows me how much I mean to you. Well, let me tell you a little something Tom, you little dive. True love can't be bought! So stop trying to pay me like a hooker," (Y/N) rants as she shoves her finger on his chest. "Okay, I am sorry. I'll try to change. I promise. You really mean a lot to me," Tom begs, really wanting to go on a date with (Y/N). "I'm going to do something really stupid of me and forgive you because I think everyone deserves a second chance. That doesn't mean that I will go on a date with you, but maybe we could be friends," she negotiates with him. "Friends would be great," Tom says as he walks (Y/N) out the door. Tom closes the door and looks at Harrison, "I don't want to be just friends with her. She is my dream girl. She is educated, good with kids, smart, nice, and beautiful. I just want a chance, so I am going to need to change my act and I need your help," Tom declares.


(Y/N) gets back to the Holland mansion and gives Paddy the book. "(Y/N), do you want to go horseback riding with me," Paddy asks shyly. "That sounds great Paddy! Why don't you go get the horses ready and I'll come," she tells him. They went for a ride and they had the best time together, Paddy really hoped that (Y/N) would go on a date with Tom because she is good for him. At that moment, Paddy knew that he needed to help Tom out because let's face it Tom needed it.

During (Y/N) free time, Paddy called his brother over to help him out. "Okay, so (Y/N) told me yesterday about this date she is going on tomorrow, so I was thinking maybe you could go and see what the other guy does. Maybe get some tips," Paddy informs his brother. "What! How can she go on a date with another man?" Tom shouts getting a little jealous of the other man. "Well she is not your property, so she can do what she wants Tom," Paddy tries to reasons with him. "Well, maybe I'll just go over and make sure she does not have a nice time. Then there will be no second date and I can swoop in," Tom plans out in his head, not really paying attention to his younger brother. "Tom, you shouldn't do that! If you do it and she finds out, she will be furious with you. Please, I am begging you to listen to me. Just come tomorrow with me and we can just observe what he does that she likes," Paddy tries to suggest, but it was too late. Tom was not paying any attention because he was already coming up with a plan to ruin their date. Paddy should have just kept quiet and Tom really should have just listen to what Paddy was really saying.

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