Chapter 3

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I have changed this chapter. The peeps that read this before 17/12/2018, know that Harry doesn't meet Hermione. He is alone. 


I opened my eyes to a familiar looking room, though I couldn't place where I had seen it. I heard footsteps and immediately jerked backward thinking they'd come back. I then remembered that they were in the future and I was in the past. "I've got to avenge Hermione." I thought. 

Then, my worst nightmare came to life, Headmaster Dumbledore came into my view and I instantly paled. "Why are you here Harry?" Dumbledore asked me kindly, though now I know that it was all fake. "Nothing sir, I just came to see Fawkes." I lied through my teeth smoothly. 

"Very well then, I believe that curfew is 10 minutes away, you should hurry." I quickly got up and left the room, walking down the corridors that I remembered with so much of happiness; my home. I savored every step that I took, freedom, being back to my home, Hogwarts. 

I then saw Ginnerva, the child version mind you, walk by and then wave at me. My blood froze, my limbs became weak seeing my future ex. "Harry?" she said and I snapped out of my trance like state and ran like a weakling. 

'I'm so pathetic that I can't even face Ginnerva without running' I thought and slumped down one of the walls, cradling my head in my hands. 'Why do I always have to be the victim, why me. What did I do to deserve this!' I mentally thought to all the gods out there. 


This publishing is my sincere (not) apology. (I'm only doing this not to make a fool of myself in front of others(my friends)) 

JK! :)>   

- Yours truly,

Dragoncontrolingwind <3

(You ain't getting my real name! It's a top secret, confidential thing-a-ma-bob!)

P.S - Hope you enjoyed your 2 mins of mystery  c(:

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