Chapter 5

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"Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you," said The cat lady, "Butt Break," she said to the gargoyle and it slid to the side to reveal the all too familiar steps. We walked down the stairs and reached the door, knocking. 

"Come in," said a weary voice, and I walked in, leaving cat lady behind. The door slammed shut the moment I walked in, and I saw Professor Snape. I ignored both men and walked into a seat, sitting down. 

"Have some manners, Potter, and stop strutting around like you own the place." sneered Snape. 

"How do you know, Severus," I said, "You don't know,". I threw my feet over the armrest of the chair, twirling my wand in my fingers like an expert drummer. My magic reached out to his and felt his anger growing. I laughed out, "Is Little Severus getting angry," I said in a mocking baby voice, like Bellawitch. 

"POTTER!" roared the bat, and I laughed more. He pulled out his wand to me, coming close to me. Dumbles also jumped up, "Gentlemen, let's not fight," he tried to reason, but I waved a hand, and he fell back onto his chair, eyes wide. He opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. 

Severus shot a spell at me, but it bounced away as though there was an invisible shield. My eyes glowed in anger, a bright avada Kedavra color. The potions master went flying back and hit the wall, his wand landing in my outstretched hand. 

"Don't you dare try me," I snarled with a sneer that put Snape's to shame. I threw his wand at the wall next to him. It would be great if his wand snapped. I walked to the door and felt Dumbledore throw his strongest locking charm. 

I took out my wand and cast an unlocking charm, but the door didn't budge. "Let me out!" I yelled at Dumbledore and his twinkle returned, wearing a looking of triumph. 

"Not until you apologize," he said, and I sneered at him, meeting his eyes to convey my hatred to him. I felt him probing into my mind, and I removed all my suspicious memories. He didn't stop at my mind though, he went further until he was close to reaching my core. I then realized what he was trying to do and threw him out of my mind. 

Using his shock, I pushed my way into his mind and brought back his worst memories. Memories of Grindelwald and Ariana. I used his own magic to tie the memories to the front of his mind. I smirked internally, the old coot didn't know what I did as he threw me out. He didn't feel me looking at his memories, so he thought all was fine, but I knew otherwise. Now, he would have to get rid of all of his magic if he wished to stop having nightmares about those incidents. This, even dreamless sleep wouldn't be able to block. The old coot deserved it for trying to place blocks on my magical core. 

"Sit down Harry, you can't go anywhere," said Dumbleduck in a harsh voice, covering up his fear with a mask. I let my magic loose, and all of Dumbles' trinkets shattered, showering the unconscious Snake and the goat with glass and all sorts of chemicals. The door was broken, and I calmly exited. Mcgonagal, who was standing outside the door to stop me from escaping just in case I did run got a body full of splinters. She gasped at the mess the headmaster's office was as screams came from the portraits.

This ought to teach them, I thought, but first , I needed to cool off. I apparated to the forbiddened forest, and then began to fire spells rapidly.  Spells ranging from light spells to very dangerous dark ones. A few minutes later, I lay down on the forest floor, breathing heavily. I looked around at the destruction.
I looked around, and felt a pull. Getting up, I followed it. Leaves crunched under my shoes, and the forest got darker. I walked forward, only to hear faint hissing. Stepping closer, I heard a male voice hissing "the prophecy is null and void, Nagini."

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